Lauryn HIll - War in the MInd Unplugged [Lyrics On Screen]

Tears of a War...A Memorium and Truth to Soldiers and Civilians

 This writing may 
not be liked by many 
here in the US, but that is not what matters to me. What 
matters to me is honor, love, and truth. 

We in the United States are so untouched by 
the wars that we create, unless we have families in the 
military during a war or a war of the past. We are so far away, so to use the word,  "freedom," and I am so grateful for my "freedom," completely sanitizes what truly happens in a war and how many people must pay the price. 

What matters to me is honor, love, and truth. 

I honor 
all those who died in 
our many wars. I 
honor all veterans, 
but I do not believe, 
our men and woman, 
in all military branches, dying in wars gives us freedom.     

does not give us freedom. War is created to protect our 
"interests." And this is a direct quote from a very high ranking 
military officer that I personally know. Whose name, I cannot reveal.

Our interests, mean control of the leader, and control of the 
countries resources. That is what war is about for the United 
States, not freedom. I've been to many countries, whom do 
not go to war and they have more "freedom " than we do. I 
am not proud of war and our country's constant use of it. 

We are lead to believe, at a very young age, that going to war, protects our freedoms. No, no, I am sorry, but no.

I know this goes against what most of you living in the United 

States feels. With instinct, study, research, and lectures by 
intellectuals and veterans, my conclusion is war is not 

So I wish to honor all those who have died in wars gone by, 
soldiers and civilians, for they too, are killed in war. I wish to 
honor the 58,195 soldiers that died in the Vietnam War. I 
would like to honor those 60,000 who committed suicide after 
the war. I wish to honor the 600,000-800-000 civilians killed in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

I would like to honor the 73,846 deaths of both Gulf War 
deaths. I would also like to honor all the active duty soldiers 
who have committed suicide, one per day and the Veterans 
who have committed suicide, 18 per day. These are 
staggering numbers and heartbreaking deaths.

I would like to
honor the 400,000-650,000 Iraqi civilian deaths. I would like to honor all the civilians who have died in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, the Ukraine (due to the US planned coup, Palestine (for we fund the State of Israel) and in Syria.

I hope that one day will as a country, we will stop equating 
freedom, with war and death. I also hope and pray we will 
end our seemingly endless greed and need for war. May peace one day prevail...mjb

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: Let There Be Peace on Earth, by Vince Gill

Peace to us all...

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.