Metallica - The Day That Never Comes (Official Music Video) Military Mom

Military Mom

This song I chose is very intense...

Yet, it is the day that...

Every military mom...

Never hopes for...

It was hard enough saying goodbye when they left...

But, I always thought, I will see them soon...

Soon, still has yet to come...

I can only imagine them in my mind and in my heart...

Not, enough, is written about the military mother...

I think she is like a forgotten soldier...

She raised those boys that are out their fighting...

That are killing and dying...

The military just rips them from your womb...

Especially, if you are a mother opposed to war...

You remember, what is behind a soldier...

There is a mother behind everyone...

The military mom...

Who lives in her silent pain...

And she lives with no gain...

I am proud of my boys...

And, I love them more than they will ever know...

I only hope that I will hold them once again...

I will never forget the days...

Two separate times...

When I was told that my sons were being deployed...

It was as if a bomb exploded within my heart...

I dropped to the ground each time...

Crying and desperate...helpless...

This is what the military mom lives with...

We are behind the scenes...

But, never, never forgetting our children...

Fighting so far away...

My babies are grown and they are their own men...

But, for me, they are always my little ones...

Each night a candle I light...

And, a light I put in the window for their return...

This military mom, prays with her whole heart...

To keep them safe, warm, loved, and protected...

Every single step they take...

And every breath they make...

Bless you all for reading. I am so grateful.

Sending love to you all,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.