Bastille - World Gone Mad (from Bright: The Album) [Official Video]/"So Where Do WE Go From Here..."
"So, where do we go from here..."
In a world gone mad...
I know that I have been writing a series on war, but I will deter for today, although in a way, this does relate to war, but a war that people do not think as war...
The war on humanity itself...
This is an interesting song...
I think of what I am going to write about, and think of a title, before I write...
I put in the search box, the title in my mind, and look for a song to go with my writing...
I always come upon some amazing songs, and songs, I would have never know of before...
I just had a very long conversation with my best friend in Norway...
We help uplift one another and we share the same sentiments on what is happening in today's world...
I have been feeling very cynical about our globe today and what has been happening since the so-called Corona Virus crisis began...
I say "so called", because I am very cynical, of what is happening to the world, since it has been declared a pandemic...
It is maddening in my mind...
What is shown in this video, was happening, well before this pandemic ever began...
War in the streets and ghettos...a war against the poor and those of color...
Nobody cared...there was no thought, to how much violence and poverty, was happening world wide, and in the United States, the numbers are astounding...!
But who gave a thought...?
Now with this virus, people in panic, lockdown, masks, social distancing, vaccinations, etc, etc...
People were dying in the hundreds of thousands due to poverty and racism...NOW THAT IS A PANDEMIC...
But who cared...and do you care today...?
One person, and a man, who is going to even make millions more (on the vaccinations), Bill Gates alone, could end poverty WORLD WIDE, just with his own personal fortune...
It is criminal, it is beyond inhumane, that one person, makes so much money...
What do you think is behind the vaccinations...?
Your welfare...?
Vaccines are big business baby...
Curing poverty does not bring bang for your buck...
Only the feeding of the drugs, that come from Colombia and Mexico, filtered in by your friendly neighborhood CI OF A...(Central Intelligence Service)
That is where the bang is, in the buck...!
Yes, I am angry about this...
I know that there are many good in this world, but the many good are also suffering...
Where is their hope and their air to breath...?
WE are being strangled by the "POWERS THAT BE..."
I think, that the Devil himself, is frightened of those, who are in control...
Evil, does not even begin to describe, what goes on behind closed doors and clandestine meetings of the G-4, G-8, NATO, IMF (Inter Monetary Fund), the World Bank, just to name a few...
There was a time, when people protested by the thousands, when these groups gathered, and they were able to put an early end to these gatherings...
But now, they are so, so clandestine...there are no more cries of protest...
I have stated before and I will state again, I will not allow myself to live in fear of a virus...
I care more, for the welfare of those who suffer, and have been suffering, for decades upon decades, and nothing changes...
Poverty, despair, hopelessness, violence due to poverty, death due to poverty, unsanitary living conditions world wide...this fears me...
If I am sounding cynical, well, truth be told, I am right now...
We have got to put the focus on humanity and not just fighting a virus...
By giving every single living person on the planet...
The opportunity of a wondrous life...
How Many U.S. Deaths are Caused by Poverty, Lack of Education, and Other Social Factors?
"The investigators found that approximately 245,000 deaths in the United States in the year 2000 were attributable to low levels of education, 176,000 to racial segregation, 162,000 to low social support, 133,000 to individual-level poverty, 119,000 to income inequality, and 39,000 to area-level poverty. Overall, 4.5% of U.S. deaths were found to be attributable to poverty—midway between previous estimates of 6% and 2.3%. However the risks associated with both poverty and low education were higher for individuals aged 25 to 64 than for those 65 or older.
“Social causes can be linked to death as readily as can pathophysiological and behavioral causes,” points out Dr. Galea, who is also Gelman Professor of Epidemiology. For example, the number of deaths the researchers calculated as attributable to low education (245,000) is comparable to the number caused by heart attacks (192,898), which was the leading cause of U.S. deaths in 2000. The number of deaths attributable to racial segregation (176,000) is comparable to the number from cerebrovascular disease (167,661), the third leading cause of death in 2000, and the number attributable to low social support (162,000) compares to deaths from lung cancer (155,521).
"Poverty Kills More People Every Year Than Either of the Top Killers -- Heart Disease or Cancer"
"Deaths of all causes surpassed 2.5 million in 2011, the most recent period for which some statistics are available. That means more than 874,000 people died from poverty related issues in that year (Columbia University). That same year just fewer than 598,000 deaths were attributed to all types of heart disease. Cancer deaths for 2011 came to fewer than 575,000. Clearly poverty kills more than either of these top killers (cancer and heart disease)."
Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day.
"At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day."
Source "According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death."
That have been going on for decades and decades and decades...
And now, the world lives in fear of a virus!?
Do you think we may have gotten our priorities wrong somewhere along the way...?
22,000 children die each day world wide from poverty alone...
Now, can the Corona Virus match these numbers!?
Time to get our priorities together world and we must do it together...if We are to have light at the end of the tunnel...WE ALL NEED TO BEGIN TO CARE ABOUT EACH AND EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING THAT IS SUFFERING ON THIS PLANET.
Thank you for listen, reading my soap box...
I really needed to clear this out of my heart and my soul,
Take care one and all and I am sending so much love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
I will do a follow up to this piece. I have so many thoughts that have come to me while writing and posting pictures.
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