ANOHNI - Drone Bomb Me

War: Afghanistan War
The message: “It’s a love song from the perspective of a girl in Afghanistan, say a nine-year-old girl, whose family’s been killed by a drone bomb,” Anohni told Annie Mac. “She is kind of looking up at the sky and she’s gotten herself to a place where she just wants to be killed by a drone bomb too.”

TRAGEDIES OF WAR! We are all a part...

don´t hide your head away and think that you are not...

We are the culprits and we shall pay the price...

We cannot live with blood spilled upon our hands...

When we allow the wheels of war to spin upon their own device...

How can we sleep at night allowing such destruction and pain...

Last night I had a dream that I was fighting in a war...

The weight and horror of it was falling as the rain...

I told my commander...I cannot do this, I must leave...

He said that there was a way out...

For it is your soul that you must retrieve...

In my shock and amazement at what he said...

As all around me...

lay the dead...

I did what I had to do to walk away...

I had to face myself...face my soul...

I had to get down upon my knees to beg and pray...

To give me the courage to become whole...

And, walk away from war...

With great peace and love,

Maria Joan Juarez Beam

Ps. The reason that Anohni uses the phrase, "choose me tonight," from the perspective of this very young girl in Afghanistan, is because, everyday, every single day of the presidency of Barack Obama, he received a list upon his desk in the Oval Office. It was called the "death list," and he would decide who would live and who would die that day or night. The countries targeted on the list were, Afghanistan , Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, Somalia, and Libya. A very dark statement to his legacy.

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.