CrossTalk Bullhorns | Quarantine Edition | Bidenworld

So, I continue my series on war, with "Bidenworld." A discussion about Biden´s first so-called "foreign policy," speech. Basically, what foreign policy spells, it spells, military actions, around the globe.

I personally, did not hear the speech, but I like Crosstalk, so you get the main substance of what was said, not said, implied, or not implied. I would not be able to stomach any speech made by Biden. 

So, what is new and different...? "America is back!?" As, all state in the program, "did it ever go away"!? It is just a bloody joke to say this! Oh, but how the left, loves it!

So, from the sounds of it, nothing really remarkable or noble. Nothing, will change, with our alliance with Saudi Arabia, there will be more intervention in Syria, illegal intervention. At least Trump was curbing our actions in Syria and was trying to get US troops out of Afghanistan, a subject that Biden never touched. And, in fact, we will have more US intervention in Syria.

He will be firm with Russia! Oh, wow, as if, this comes as a surprise to Russia!!! Russia has been preparing for the Biden Administration for awhile now. So, talking "tough," to Putin, is a big scare! 

Also, getting tough with Democracy and human rights around the world...dear God above, please help us all. Like we give a damn about Democracy and human rights world wide!? We are the worse of offenders, and please explain to me, what spreading Democracy means, by the ways of bombs, troops, tanks, missiles, bullets, sanctions, torture...need I go on? 

I don't know, if he touched, on Latin American Foreign Policy, it was not brought up in Crosstalk. That is a whole other ballgame, in and, of itself. Just ask anyone, who has attended the "School of Americas." Now, changed to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.  Geeeez!!! Manuel Noriega, is one of their famous graduates.

So, okay, Biden, and your team, illusion yourself with what "America", is all about, and that "America is back". Democrats, illusion yourselves as well. As, far as the business of war, not much will change, with the exception, of escalation. And, trust me, for these politicians, their financial backers, and your stock and tax dollars, yes, war is a business, and a big one at that. Everyone with financial interests, get very fat on war, while the victims are annihilated.

War, is never a pretty subject, but if we do not talk about it, if we do not put it, into our consciousness, we lose who we are and we lose our humanity.

In peace and love,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: "Drone Me" Anohni

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