Beyond the Mask

Todos somos Latinos...Latinas.  Todos somos indiginas, somos fuertes, bien fuertes por todo el mundo. Somos gente con corazónes tan grandes para cambiar un parte del mundo. Tenemos un voz junto...para la necidad del mundo, para gritar. Nos entendemos Los dolores que tienen Los niños en Palestina, en Syria, en Ejipto, en Iraq, en Afganistan, en Yemen, en Lybia, en Bahrain....NOS ENTIENDO y sufrimos con Uds.

Don't be afraid of the masks, the masks bind us together in the struggle of our lands, our simple ways of living. Please do not be afraid of the covered face for behind the mask that you do not understand there lies the face of a beautiful mother fighting for the future. There lies a man who has so much respect and dignity for the freedom of all of the oppressed.

We are Latinos and we are proud. We are indigenous and we are proud. We want the yoke of oppression to be lifted off all who suffer its heavy weight...its heavy fate. A path of fate we no longer choose.

Do not fear our mask, our strong blood, our proudness of who we are...look into the eyes and you will see passion for life, passion to keep the old ways from fading with the dry wind. We stand tall. Stand tall with us and understand and hold our hands.

Yes, we are proud...remember, the mask does not cover who we are, the mask we wear binds us with all the world crying to be free...mjb

This is the sign in sign language that means I love you or just to represent LOVE...

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Love and  goodness to you all and to all of the world. One day peace shall reign...

Musical Selection: Maná...Latino America

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.