Pink Floyd, Roger Waters - Song for Palestine.

Rare Video: Nelson Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]

During my research on International Affairs, I come across some of the most amazing, unknown speeches, unknown songs, unknown words of some of the most incredible people who have walked this is one.

An interview with Nelson Mandela with Ted Koppel at a town meeting at City College in New York in 1990. He speaks powerfully and confidently, and determined in his position with his relationship with Yasser Arafat, former leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, The late Colonel Gaddafi of Libya, and of the late Fidel Castro, amongst US politicians and US well informed citizens.

It is incredible what he says. I love one of his very first comments due to concerns of many politicians and others in the audience his relations with the above aforementioned leaders..."One of the mistakes that political analysts make, is that their enemies, should be our enemies."

Now, most people of the world know the extreme greatness, bravery, and wisdom that this incredible man possessed. His words are an inspiration to many who are seeking the ending of their own aparthidedic struggle...a struggle for freedom to be their own people, to be citizens of their own lands and not the serfs. His words are absolutely amazing!!!

Just because you--the United States condemns a leader, does not preclude that this person is a bad, horrid leader, or as many would say dictator. All it means that perhaps we are ignorant to the ideals, their leadership style,  determination of sovereignty, and what they did for their people. The three leaders mentioned in this video were incredible men.

Bless you and all that you accomplished in your life time Nelson Mandela.

Peace and love always,
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

If a BAE systems promotional video was honest about the impacts of its w...

This is actually, a brilliant take on the reality of what weapons of war actually do...kill civilians, by using an add bragging about this weapons system great capabilities.

How numb has the Western World become? If you believe in Jesus and you are turning the other cheek, you are turning the wrong one, and not looking directly at what Jesus most certainly would oppose. 

The United States and it's Western "Allies," it is so ridiculous that I even have to write allies...I thought that went out with WWII, are currently bombing 6 countries (it was 7, but under the Obama Administration with Hillary Clinton leading the band--so much for being in support of woman and children, how can you be if you bomb them to death and/or ruin their lives to destruction? ..could you name them? And, if you could, would you know where they are? They are Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Syria, and Yemen. All of which were continued or began under Barak Obama and carried out by the current Chief at Arms, Donald Trump. 

Why are we bombing six countries and threatening so many others? Why are we, as a people of collective consciousness, accepting this? Is our consciousness of compassion just not there any longer...while war has become the norm, rather than the exception? No more people marching in the streets by thousands whiles thousands around the globe are being blown apart. 

Have our daily live consumed us so much, and the ridiculous show that are watched on television, and the non-truths of the media so ingrained and interwoven into our brains that we just don't care...???

What a sad state of consciousness we have become...

Peace and love to you always,

Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.