I just watched this movie...it is one of the most powerful movies that I have seen. Spike Lee, comes through again, more powerful than ever before. And, Colin Kaepernick, kicked up more than, his kneel during, the National Anthem of the United States of America.
I could say more, yet, it needs to be watched, and needs to be watched with open eyes, and with an open heart...especially those living in the United States...to remind us...what life is like in the modern day, "ghettos." We have wars going on right here on our soil and no body wants to know...just like to wars that are going on in all parts of the world...that we want to close our eyes to...the ones you see on the media...and the one you do not...because they are happening, yes, they are...mostly courtesy of the CIA...
Thank for reading and thank you for watching.
Go to Amazon.com...not just to click a key to buy something, but to...buy a movie that could change your mind.
Peace all...
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Always working on trying to give you...truth.
Photo courtesy of https://colorofchange-org-production.s3.amazonaws.com/media/cache/d4/42/d442b9b77ddd6e06c4a9ab8528e101ea.jpg