Enya The Memory of Trees - HD

The Magic of Trees and Babbling Brooks...

Being with, the trees, along, with the sound, of a babbling brook...

For me, is so intimately, majestic, and magical, for my being...

It is such a graceful, and blissful, place to be, when you are with the trees, and a babbling brook...

Whether it be day, or night, the unbelievable delight, that I receive is treasured within me...

It has been raining, a gentle rain, everyday...the kind of rain, that is so gentle, and that, is ever so sweet...

For me, being with the trees, and a babbling brook, at night, is the most special, and healing time for me...

Somehow, the evening light, the shadows and the smell of the trees, become ever so mysterious, the mystery of the soul and the heartbeat of life...

And the sound of the water, gently passing over the pebble stones, of the babbling brook...is music of the earth, and, of the heavens, as well, as the mystery of night singing it's song...

The feeling of tender magical faeries dancing through the soft light of the darkness...

I find myself, in a Cathedral, one not out of stone, by the hands of humans, a Cathedral of what is the trueness of a Cathedral...one of the greatest of majesty and galore...

In its this presence, everything is soft, and everything is sacred...

The memory and the wisdom of the trees...

and, the remembrance, of change, that exists in life, of  the sweetly flowing babbling brook...

A special, and a very personal gift, is given to me...

When I am with "The magic of Trees and Babbling Brooks...

Always yours in truth, love and in nature,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: Enya, "The Memory of Trees"

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.