I have felt compelled to write you for several years, yet today is the day I write to you. I write to you, sadly, in dismay of your presidency.
In 2008 the entire world was in elation of your election of the President of the United States of America. I was one of those in great
elation. I cried for at least an hour...tears of, finally a man of goodness and a man who will bring peace. I remember that night so very well in California.
We all watched the big screen showing people from so many places around the globe who had the same sentiments as I did, people crying, people hugging, people with such great hope. I am writing to tell you Mr. President, that you have let us down. Your promises flew away with the wind, as did all the hopes the entire world shared. You slogan of "yes we can," became no we did not.
Firstly, I will state that I will be talking about U.S. foreign policy and not domestic.
I will begin with your promises not kept. Guantanamo Bay, the torture prison, would be closed, it is not. It is still in full operation. All the troops would be pulled back from Afghanistan and Iraq, they are not. If anything, matters are now far more in dismay in both Afghanistan and Iraq. So many people depended on you bringing the troops home.These are the three promises to me, that would have greatly changed the face of the world today. Now, the world is in more turmoil than ever before.
So where do I begin, with how much more violence upon so many countries, and people has been inflicted? Do I begin with the Middle East? The Middle East is in complete shambles Mr. President. Over four million refugees have been fleeing their once stable and peaceful lands. This is upon your hands and those of the Bush family, the hands of military officials and of course, the ever most infamous CIA. Why...?
We are now engaged in more conflicts than before George W. Bush left office, and trust me, Mr. President, I was never in support of this man, ever. He began the mess we are now entangled in, but you have made it ever so worse, it is a nightmare. You have sent more drones than Bush did. Drones strikes over Pakistan, over Yemen, over Somalia. In these countries alone over 5,000 people have been killed, but I am certain the numbers are higher. We have drone strikes over Afghanistan and Iraq. Where else Mr. President, Syria as well? Where else? You receive the death list everyday, the death list meaning, you choose who dies everyday in the countries where we use drone strikes. How do you live with this??? Families have been killed by drones during funerals to bury their dead from previous drone strikes. Once again, I ask, how do you live with this?
The complete infrastructure of both Afghanistan and Iraq are in shambles. The countries are in complete shambles. Countries we should have never invaded in the first place. No, you did not make those decisions, but you have kept the wars going, and they are in more turmoil than ever. What happened to your PROMISE!!!???
Now, Libya...we invaded and destroyed a sovereign nation. We killed their leader and our Ambassador to Libya was killed in the whole entire horrific act, along with NATO. Why? Because, Gaddafi was about to stop using the U.S. dollar and replace it with the gold dinar which would have given the entire continent of Africa more freedom and keep foreign rapers of resources at bay. Oh, no we could not have that, could we Mr. President? So we bomb the hell out of Libya and have left the country armed with militant groups . Our arms. Gaddafi had the country stable. Housing was free, schooling was free, heath care was free...now what is there for the people? Not only did we destroy Libya, we also created thousands of refugees fleeing for their lives. Please Mr. President, how do you you feel about this?
And now, the question of Russia. The military build up along the Russian border, the United States along with NATO, this is complete madness. Why? Why? There was no Russian take over of the Ukraine. The people wanted Russia. What did you decided to do, planned a coup, downed a jet full of innocent people, and set out the propaganda plan to demonize Russia. Are you aware of the video that Russian students have made to put you up for war crimes and crimes against humanity? I am almost certain you have seen it. If not, I recommend that you do. Here is the title of the letter:
Russian students demand to judge Barack Obama for his crimes against Humanity. Appeal to the United Nations.!!
Syria, let us discuss Syria, Mr. President. What have you done to Syria? You have created a disaster. Why, solely for the purpose of deposing the democratically elected President of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad. He leads a secular state, which now is torn into countless factions of so-called religious rebels. With your help Mr. President. President Assad has an alliance with Russia which the United States despises. Were not Russia our allies in both World Wars? Yet, we as a nation, created Russia as our enemy which still stands today. What our we Mr. President, a country that is the bully in the sandbox...YES! Also, President Al-Bashar stands in the way of a most coveted pipeline of petroleum, of which, we want control. So because of our desire for complete domination and submission, millions are suffering in Syria, over four million refugees have been created, of which we take ZERO responsibility for, zero. How many have died in Syria Mr. President. Is Syria also on the drone strike death list that you receive daily?
In Egypt, you deposed, the people elected Mohammed Morsi. He did not want to play in your sandbox. In fact, you made a personal phone call to President Morsi when Israel was waging it's "Operation Pillar of Cloud," in 2012 against Gaza, Palestine. Morsi was sending jet fighters and tanks across the Sinai Peninsula to aid Gaza. You insured that it be stopped. Approximately, one year later, Morsi is arrested along with other members of the Egyptian government and a U.S. and Israel friendly puppet is now installed ruling by military might. The people are suffering greatly for this.
Iran is a whole different conversation. I suppose I will have to write you another letter. President Obama.
Now, Israel. Wow! I am speechless over the entire situation with Israel, which is, by the way, an illegal state, an illegal occupier, and a terrorist state. Secretly, you may despise them, but yet you continue your support of Israel and its treatment of the Palestinian people. The people of whom the land belongs too. During the last war waged against the people of Gaza, Palestine, "Operation Defensive Edge," you actually increased the amount of money given to Israel every year. You also gave them more money for their "so-called" shield defense system. Hospitals were being bombed, children were dying from phosphorus bombs, F-16's bombing, drone strikes, strikes from the sea(of which four innocent young boys were killed by the strikes), a gas of a peculiar smell was being used, none they had smelled before, then of course, the ground troops were sent in and were completely caught off guard by rebel fighters. Actually, rebel fighters is incorrect, fighters of freedom is what they are, fighters to get their land, to save their people...freedom fighters are NOT terrorists. U.S. tax dollars help to fund this and you have given them more money to kill, maim, and imprison the Palestinian people. How well do you sleep at night Mr. President. Have you ever seen the body of a child killed by white phosphors? ISREAL IS AN ILLEGAL OCCUPIER according to International Law and this law is completely ignored by the United Nations and the Western Supporters of Israel. Who is the true terrorist Mr. President?
The only point that I wish to make domestically, is that of immigration. You have deported more Mexicans and Central Americans than George W. Bush. And as one friend told me,"oh they were mostly criminals." Wow, really? That's news to me. By these deportations, you have torn up families, you have destroyed lives and hopes. And what about all those children at the border...? What was your answer to that? Those children, refugees, who traversed the entire country of Mexico leaving their families in Central America,
believing that they could create a better life for their families or they were hoping to find their families. How many months did those children stay at the border awaiting your welcome? Did they receive it...no. They were all deported. Thankfully, the Mexican government took care of the children until they could find their families. I remember how much of the U.S. reacted, with shear hatred...for CHILDREN!!!! My god, the United States has created the problem and we do nothing to fix it or to help. And, the children who do get across and then are detained, how are they treated? Oh yes, I just read that we have drones flying over the border of Mexico...
I speak from my soul President Barack Obama . There is so much more that I could share, but some information, am unable. You have shattered my heart in so many pieces, that you could not even imagine. As am mother and as a global citizen. I fought for you, I campaigned for you, I believed in you...and oh, what a great disappointment these years have been. I have another letter to write you, but I will save this for another night.
Maria Juarez Beam
Well said, dear Maria!
ReplyDeleteVery powerful.
ReplyDeleteThank you Angie...peace and love to you.