Mana - Como Te Extraño Corazon


Thoughts and Beautiful Mexico...

I need to take a break from the madness of the elections happening in the United States right now, November 8, 2016. The polls have now closed. I truly cannot believe that we have the two candidates that we do. One a great war monger, liar, hideous criminal record, of which she receives no punishment, also, she has a hideous human rights abuse record  all over the world, also of which she receives no punishment, at least not in this world. I am certain her punishment awaits her somewhere in this universe.

The other, well, he is just plain HIDEOUS. A bigot, a racist, no heart, no compassion...period. If he does win, I hope he can prove me wrong...that a big order!!! He wants to build a WALL along the Mexican border. I have some news for him, and for the people who support this in the States,...if this wall is built, the United States will cease to function. THE COUNTRY DEPENDS  SO MUCH UPON THE LABORS AND TAXES OF THOSE FROM MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Countries of which we abuse in their own lands!!!

Well, let me talk now about some really beautiful things...for one Mexico. I have made this home and I truly love it here.

Every new day brings me surprises and beautiful new gifts.

 Let me talk about today and tonight...just to give you an idea. Just as I left my apartment, it began to rain lightly. And, it is a cold rain today. One of the many things that I love here in Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, is that when it does carries on. No one is bothered by the rain. The music still plays, vendors still sell their goods en las calles...(in streets) and people are enjoying a glass of wine or their wondrous food in outdoor cafes. People are greeting one another with "buenas tardes"..."buenas nochas." 

As I was walking back home I decided to have a glass of vino wine at my favorite plaza, Plaza San Fernando. I sat outdoors with others, and as always, we engage in conversation. Another wonderful thing about Mexico...everyday new conversations and new people to meet. Some become good friends and some we hug if we pass again. Tonight, I came upon a wondrous bakery that I know ever so well and I, of course, stepped in to buy some delicious pan dulce...sweet bread. Three young woman speaking English came in and we began to talk. One was from the States, one from France, and one from Ireland...they didn't know each other before, they met in Mexico City and they decided to travel together to Guanajuato...another great thing about Mexico!  The two women from Europe were simply amazed at how fantastic it is in Mexico. (: It was so delightful to speak with them, and oh, how they delighted upon the beautiful breads. 

So, now back to the apartment greeting many along the way...I LOVE MEXICO and I hope someday all the world shall also...

As always, all my love to all my lovely readers here at beamthelightbethechange

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Shine light...shine love...

Musical Selection: Mexico en La Piel...Alexandro Dhanke

It's a lovely song and a lovely video

Please enjoy...even if you don't speak Spanish. Music has no barriers and it speaks to the heart...

I know that I am very bold with my words...yet, if I do not speak my mind and my heart then I am not being true to myself...gracias, thank you...

I Have a Son and He is Beautiful...

And he was born this day...

He is no longer the tiny boy you see here...

He is a grown man and he is beautiful...

I could say so, so much about my son and the life we lived when he was home with me...

But yet, for tonight, I simplY wanted to share with you...

 I have a son and he is BEAUTIFUL...

You are my sonshine.  ~Author Unknown

You don't raise heroes, you raise sons.  And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes.  ~Walter M. Schirra, Sr.

Son, you outgrew my lap, but never my heart.  ~Author Unknown


Thank you so much my dear readers for always allowing me to share...

Love, Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: Beautiful Boy by John Lennon

P.S. This is John singing to his son Sean...but all of the worlds apply to MY beautiful boy...:)

Beautiful Boy - John Lennon (subtitulado)

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.