That a new world is about to begin...
People are rising up around the globe...
To bring about peace, love, goodness to everyone...

From Aleppo being freed...
To the Water Protectors at Standing Rock North Dakota...
People are marching...are standing...are making their stand for a bright and beautiful world...
From the Bolivarians in Venezuela to fight the beast of the West...
To Amazonian tribes standing united protecting their pristine lands, peoples, and water...
The world is coming collectively together to usher in what is meant to be...
The hungry powers of greed and war can no longer dominate...
For only love and goodness shall be our fate...
Believe in this, for in my heart, I know this to be true...
There is yet much more work to be accomplished...
Yet, the wheels of change are in motion...
And, this motion, this wheel, my dear friends of this beautiful world...
Will continue to move mountains of goodness for all...
Let beauty reign within your heart...
Let love and courage be your guide...
With great love to all...Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: Colby and Awu – Change the World
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