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Post Concussionist | A Song About Traumatic Brain Injury

"American Football Killed My Husband..."

Now, please don't get me wrong. I LOVE FOOTBALL AMERICAN STYLE. I used to play myself as a young girl, I had four brothers. My first injury to my knee was because of football, as most of my high school friends will remember. I love watching football, it is really an exciting sport...but as we are learning more and more, it is also a very dangerous sport. To the body and to the brain especially.

My husband, Brian Ross Bradly, who has now passed, died from a serious injury he received as an All American Football Player. He was kicked in the kidney and it failed in his later years, both kidneys failed. 

Brian began his football career in Texas, as a young boy at the age of ten, in the Pop Warner League. Texas, as most people of the United States know, is the FOOTBALL state. As a junior in high school, his father, a retired Colonel of the United States Air Force, was transferred to an airbase in New Jersey. It was in New Jersey were he was kicked in the kidney and received his treatment at a military hospital. He played college football, in Texas, at Texas Lutheran. He was recruited by the Dallas Cowboys, but then he blew out both of his knees while playing in college, thus ending, his over, 20+ years, of a football career. He began to drink heavily at this time for,...football,...was his life.  

I could explain so much more of his life, our lives together, but it is far too personal and painful. We had a joyous life and a painful life together. 

A photo that Brian took of our boys and  ofthe daughter of former 49'er star football player Tom Rathmusen, who is also in the picture, they were best friends...

He died at the age of 42...far too young. I know for a fact and within the deepest depths of my heart and soul, that my husband was killed by football...

My brother, who was very close to Brian, told me many years back, that Brian, in a phone call, to my brother, he said, "Mark, I am ready to go..." Sadly, many who die from CTE say the very same thing...

He displayed far too many signs of 
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy before his death...which, at the time, I was unaware. Many people were unaware.

So many NFL players are dying from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, a disease discovered by Dr. Bennet Omalu. He had to fight the NFL to recognize that this is real and that it's effects are lethal, especially to football players. It is so very tragic, it's effects upon the players and their friends and families.

Let us hope one day that, a day will come when brain injury of any kind, will be healed...

My love to all,

Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

I dedicate this post to Brian Ross Bradly, to all of the people who have died from CTE, to their families, to my sons, and to Dr. Bennet Omalu...

Below are just a few links about CTE...you can find so many articles now if you care to do more research...not only does this affect athletes of contact sports, but also people who have epilepsy that is difficult to control, and many military personal and veterans...but there is always...HOPE...



Why I Am Posting so Many Videos...Traumatic Brain Injury

NO, it is not because I am just watching lovely sunsets...

I just thought this was a beautiful picture that I took in Iowa several years back...

And it is somewhat appropriate for what I would like to say tonight...

When I was in Iowa, I was recovering from several head injuries and attempting to heal...

Unfortunately, I am currently recovering from four head injuries...concussions...

Now, that we know so much more about concussions, doctors and hopefully, most people are understanding just how serious they are of an injury to the brain...

I could not give you a figure, as to how many concussions, that I have had in the last 20+ years...

Yet, as I said I am currently recovering from four which began in December of 2016, and my most recent was my after my returning from California just about four weeks ago now, when I received another concussion...

This has had a great effect upon my life and currently is quite debilitating...

I am recuperating slowly, day by day...but recovering from one concussion is difficult enough without adding three more back to back...

And, some of my readers may know that I do have epilepsy and this compounds the problem...

Not, that the epilepsy is causing the concussions, as it did perhaps, beginning those 20+ years ago...

But, having so many concussions has really impaired my balance, my vision, especially, my peripheral vision...

So, this is why I have not been writing so much for it takes much brain energy, and my main focus right now, is healing...

Yet, I still want to use my blog as a tool to disseminate information...

The videos "Redacted," from RT are hilarious while being very factual at the same time...

I have been wanting to write a blog just about concussions alone, and in it, include talking about the movie "Concussion," with Denzel Washington...it is a true story, by the way...

It is amazing..

I also, in the particular blog want to include some statistics that I researched after watching the movie about the disease, that the doctor portrayed, in the movie actually discovered...

I want to talk about post concussion syndrome and it's' effects of the lives of those who live with this and the people they know...

So, I do not wish to make this a very long post, but I did want to share with all of you why soooooo many video postings...

My brain needs time to heal and hopefully will remain concussion free for a long while to come...

This is always my prayer and my wish...

My love and blessings to all of you who come to my site, and read or watch what I post...It means so much to me that so many from around the world visit my site.

I thank you with my full heart...

I know you will understand my need for healing, but at the same time, my need for getting out the truth...

May we all be healing ourselves or the world in someway...it is so vital...



Peace and love

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

You will find it on this blog page

Musical Selection: Post Concussionist...A Song About Traumatic Brain...Vera Quijano

Be well All...

I would like to dedicate this post to all post concussionists, to my dear friends Elena, Angela, Nils, Pedro, and Sergio whose support, love, and help get me through the darkest of times and to healing

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