If I, were ever to fly, a flag, of the United States of America, I would fly it, upside down...
If, it were my children, to fly the flag, it would be upright, as most people, think that it should...
For me, in this flag, my soul, has never been found...
For my children, they are hoping, that it will,...will be helping them, to find their souls...
If it is, or if it has, no one, not even themselves, would know...yet, I know...
I am their mother, who stands, on the other side of the flag...
The flag that I want to burn and shoot...
Everyday, they salute...
This flag...
I could go on, and on, to explain, my many reasons, why I feel the way I do, about what this flag, is suppose to represent...
Yet, it has failed, it continues to fail what, we have come to believe, what it means...
And, many lives, were paid, for the fruition of this flag,...many lives, have paid the price for this flag of red, white, and blue...and many more continue to do...
Many of you know, how I feel, about the country of the Red, White, and the Blue...and many of you, may not understand why I do...
Some of you will become to understand why I do...
I have this big hole within my heart, and a hole, that never ends, with pain...for this flag you see, I know, not only affects, the entire world, it also affects me...and it affects me deeply...
For me, in the depths of my soul, this flag has taken away, all, that I have lived for,...my sons...
Not many know, of the deep pain, of what the mother's, of military children live with every moment of their lives...
Not knowing where they are...not being able to hear their voices over the phone...
Mother's who cry in silence...who cry inside, for this flag, and for all, of what it it stands, for it...has robbed, it has robbed, what was, and still is, and will always be, so precious to us...
I feel, as if I have failed them...that I did not give, them the tools, to choose another path in life...
They made their choices, and they live with their choices everyday, and I do as well...
I am proud of my sons, and I love them, more... than they will ever know...
I have two sons...and we live on two sides of the flag...
In peace and love to my sons, to all veterans, and to all who feel the effects, of the Flag of the United States of America
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
I have two musical selections for this writing:
"He is Still a Little Boy," by Mary Rochester
"My Son," by Jan Howard
I do not own the rights to the songs or the pictures posted...they are the rights of those who wrote these songs and who took these pictures
All writing is written by Maria Joan Beam
Thank you