Hello there everyone...may this new writing find you all well and happy.
I have been watching the movie constantly, I literally, mean constantly, for the, at least past two weeks. There are two main reasons for this. One, I fell about a month ago, and received, yet, another concussion, and two, because, I really love this movie, and I can completely relate to it in a very personal way. Let me begin to explain, if I may...well, the best that I can.
I don't remember when I first saw this movie, perhaps less than one year ago, I cried intensely, intensely. You see, this movie may not be my exact story itself, but it does have several similarities. This is why it touches me so, and it explains, why I have also, been watching it continuously, for the past two weeks. I know it, nearly all the lines, and believe it or not, it is calming for my brain, and this is important for a healing brain.
I am not paralyzed, but there are times that the right side of my body is, that is after a seizure, an epileptic seizure. The main type of seizure that I have, is called a complex partial, and it affects the right side of my body. It also affects my speech, and just about my ability to do anything, until recovered, but I do recover. Yet, unfortunately, I have, what is medically termed, refractory epilepsy. https://www.epilepsy.com/learn/types-seizures/refractory-seizures
This does greatly impact my life in several ways. When, I have a fall, the seizure activity increases, thus, impacting my life further, along with all of the other symptoms that go along with a concussion. https://www.concussionalliance.org/symptoms-postconcussion-syndrome
I am including links, rather writing all of what I experience, if you so choose, you may go to the links, for further information, not for me. If you do, please do so for yourself, for the knowledge, and, one never knows, if you may encounter someone who may have epilepsy, post-concussion syndrome, or both, and you will be the better, for being able to understand their lives, that will meant the world to them.
So, why am I sharing this information, and this movie trailer of "Me Before You," with all of you, for some reason I feel compelled. I share, not so that anyone will feel sorry for me, no, quite the opposite. Yes, my life is difficult living with these conditions and all of the complications that come along with them. Yet, I also have a most beautiful side to my life as well.
I spend most of my days having to rest or sleep, but those days and evenings that I can go out, are marvelous! And, I live in a beautiful, small city, in a beautiful country, where the people are so lovely, and the culture is stunning. I am blessed beyond belief, even if it is one or two days a week, that I can enjoy this amazement.
I have my sons that I keep in my heart, soul, and mind, for they are far away, yet never far away. How can they be, when they are a permanent fixture within my heart.
I have so many friends from all parts of the world, some I have only met through social media, but the majority I have met in my real life. Many, I have known since I was such a young girl...
Now, to the movie, if you have not seen this film, I do not wish to spoil anything for you, by sharing too much of what transpires. I can share with you this, that these days, peoples, and experiences, that I have just shared with you, are what keep me going in this life.
There are so many days, and please, do not judge me too harshly for this, when I feel, it is best, to not be here, on this planet. This is why I can relate, to the character of, Will Trainer, so well. I may not have his condition, but I share so much of what he experiences. So that is all of what I will share with you. I do hope you choose to watch the movie one day. Please, if you do watch, watch with an open heart and an open soul, for what he chooses to do is an action that is so very controversial, that many refuse to understand and accept, please try.
I am not saying this is what I am choosing for myself, I am saying that I understand, and that I feel this way many days, not all the time, but I do. I think, being open and honest, in a world that rushes around, and hides it's feelings, one from the other, and too oft, does not see the sufferings and the needs of others, that, well, quite honestly, we need to be more honest with ourselves, about ourselves, our lives, and the world that we live in.
As, Will Trainer, states in the movie, "Live, just live."
Life can be difficult, is difficult, but there is the beauty. Live for the beauty of life and fight for it, fight it not just for yourself, but for all.
With all of my love to you,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
I am also posting trailer #2 from "Me Before You," and the last song from the movie, "Not Today," by Imagine Dragons.
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