Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come (Official Lyric Video)
Good people still fighting for change and from their hearts and, it will happen, this world WILL be better for every single living soul in every corner of our beautiful planet.
Keeping It Simple, But Keeping It Real...About Venezuela
Yes, this is going to be a "political," writing, but what most people call "political," I call, human rights issues. And, honestly, issue isn't even the correct word, to fit the reality of these "situations," but, it is what I can use for now.
All right, like the title states, "Keeping It Simple, But Keeping It Real, is what I am going to attempt for very complex realties in this world today.
a "hot" topic these days, a country in turmoil, the RICHEST OIL BED IN THE WORLD, and the United States is, and has been doing, all that it can to break the current Venezuelan Government, under legally elected by the people, President Nicolas Maduro and beginning with when Hugo Chavez won victory in 1999.
I could go through, and name all of what we have done, and are currently doing, but that would not be keeping it simple. And, just turn on your main network channel and they will fill you in, and about the brutality of President Maduro, the suffering his government is causing the people, the chaos, the violence, the people wanting to overthrow him, etc...etc...etc... Well, I will just say in my own simple words, it's all "BULLSHIT". (Note, Yes, these things are currently happening in Venezuela, but the hand behind this is the hand of the United States, and not, at the hands of the current government of Venezuela.)
And, there is plenty of proof out there, plenty of news sources, and intelligent people writing and reporting the actual truth, about what is happening in Venezuela, and why. It is simply up to you to find it, read it, and have it finally make sense in your brain.
But, you won't find it if you fill your brain with the above.
So, how does, Saudi Arabia fit in. Well, most people think, of Saudi Arabia as one of the richest nations in the world, and it is, it ranks number 11 according to It is known to be one of the richest oil producing nation's, and it is, it ranks at number 2, according to,
So, now what is my point, in talking about Venezuela, the country that sits on the richest oil bed in the world, a country unnecessarily under turmoil and chaos, harsh and human right offender, economic sanctions by the United States, a country that the United States, claims has a "brutal dictatorship that must be overthrown for the good of the people of Venezuela." A country that the United States has recently attempted to invade militarily. A country that IS NOT even ranked, listed under the richest nations out of the world out of 191 countries! This source being A country, that began using its' oil riches under the Presidency of Hugo Chavez, not for the good of the few, but for the good of the many, and to uplift the poor, to take people out of poverty.
And, why did Saudi Arabia, come into my mind just randomly, as I was awaking from my nap? Good question, even for me to ask myself. Saudi Arabia, well, as I said, I woke up thinking of Venezuela, then popped up Saudi Arabia, in which I have never made a connection before now.
Saudi Arabia is one of the United States greatest ally in the world.
So, you have, #1 Venezuela (refer to above written information )
And, you have #2 Saudi Arabia (refer to above written information)
Does Saudi Arabia have poverty, yes.
Do you ever read about it or hear about it in the news? Don't so many people drive real golden cars there!? Does Saudi Arabia violate human rights, yes. I ask the same question again, do you ever hear read or hear about this in the new, no. Well, perhaps occasionally, when it comes to woman's rights.
Is the Saudi Monarchy an oppressive regime, yes.
Does the Saudi Monarchy use its oil riches for the betterment of all of its people? Yes or no? But, wait, they don't have poor people right?
There are is one common factor between Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, oil. Venezuela sits on the largest oil bed in the world and Saudi Arabia, the second.
The uncommon factor between Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, the continuous attempt to overthrow one of the governments, which is Venezuela. According to what we are told "Venezuela is an oppressive regime that we must overthrow for the sake of the people."
Saudi Arabia?????????????????? No, and people are suffering. But the Saudi Monarchy and the United States Government enjoy the loveliest of relations, we are not attempting to overthrow them, they are not painted daily as oppressive, destroying its own people, corrupt...
The United States has not "attempted to "install," it's own hand-picked leader and hold a concert on one of Saudi Arabias bordering nations sponsored by Richard Branson, the mogul of Virgin Airlines, Virgen Records, Virgen Mega stores and more, to celebrate this "installation. (As was done along the Colombian-Venezuelean border)
It is so basic, it is so simple, I call it, "Common Sense 101,"
In Venezuela, since the Chauvista Revolution, Venezuela has become the enemy, the demon, for it used its oil riches to uplift the lives from the previous presidency. Housing built, free health and medical care, free education, dignity for all human life. And, this continues under the President Nicolas Maduro Administration.
The one key factor was, that Hugo Chavez, who began this revolution in for
Venezuela, absolutely despised the United States and refused to give up its right to the countries oil, only to benefit the rich of the country and the rich of not only the United States, but other countries as well. And, one of them happens to be...Saudi Arabia. And, as I stated, the United States and Saudi Arabia enjoy quite the cozy alliance.,
May peace, truth, equality of all forms for all transpire in this world soon.
With love from my full heart,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: Sam Cooke, "A Change is Going to Come."
Barely Breathing
Barely breathing, but trying to hang on...
This heart is still beating, but barely is strong...
It's shattered pieces only held together by these never ending tears...
Sitting alone with only shadows of light...the pain of life has erased all fears...
I feel like an empty shell...I feel as if nothing is left inside...
Only the faint beating of this shattered heart and these tired lungs that are barely breathing...
I am living, but I feel as if I have died...
Too many reasons why, for feeling as I do at this moment...
And this is not the "typical broken and shattered heart," that we all know about...
This is mine and mine alone with reasons of it's own unique torment...
When the heart is heavy and the load is far too much to bare one may wish to shout...
But I am barely breathing...
So the strength is not there...
I am barely breathing...
But, I am still here...
I am barely breathing...
Hoping and dreaming for pure and sweet air...
This heart is still beating, but barely is strong...
It's shattered pieces only held together by these never ending tears...
Sitting alone with only shadows of light...the pain of life has erased all fears...
I feel like an empty shell...I feel as if nothing is left inside...
Only the faint beating of this shattered heart and these tired lungs that are barely breathing...
I am living, but I feel as if I have died...
Too many reasons why, for feeling as I do at this moment...
And this is not the "typical broken and shattered heart," that we all know about...
This is mine and mine alone with reasons of it's own unique torment...
When the heart is heavy and the load is far too much to bare one may wish to shout...
But I am barely breathing...
So the strength is not there...
I am barely breathing...
But, I am still here...
I am barely breathing...
Hoping and dreaming for pure and sweet air...
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: "Broken" by Lifehouse
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