Uplift Others and You Uplift Yourself...

What beautiful words by Thich Nhat Hanh. And, they are words that ring out so true.

I was feeling a bit blue, sad, a few hours ago. I have recently been in the hospital, and I am recovering from, multiple concussions, so I have to rest much, in order for me to heal. 

This also means, that I spend much time, with myself, mostly sleeping (it is part of the healing of the brain process) and watching Brit television, which I adore. But, there are many time, when I long, to be able to go outside, and enjoy the beauty of the day, amongst humanity. 

Hence, the few tears I shed. 

I did not want to go, into a full on sadness, for this does not help, with my healing at all. So, I was thinking of what I could do, from my bed to uplift myself...and then, I remembered the patients, and their family members, that were at my side, in the hospital. There were three patients to a room and here in Mexico, the families help their family members in the hospital, and sometimes friends. And, if you don't have enough help yourself, such as myself, at times, they help you. They simply help you, and for them, it is a pleasure. It brings them much happiness, to help not only their family member, but also others. 

Thankfully, we exchanged telephone numbers. I promised them, when I was released, that I would call to check on them and to see how their family members were doing. I realized a week had already passed since my release and I promised to call in one week. So, that is what I did. I called them both. Maria, who had a sister she was taking care of, and Antonia, who was taking care of her son Romero. 

Oh, they were so both very happy, that I had remembered them, and that I had called. I had lovely conversations with the both of them. Thankfully, both of their family members, are now out of the hospital, as well. We have even made plans to visit, well I am going to visit them, for they have much more on their hands then I do. I only have myself to care for and they have others.

So, by my doing that, simple reaching out, with the phone calls and conversations, I was uplifted for I had uplifted them, and that is what life is all about. The more we can give and love others, the more we can heal ourselves. 

Love is the greatest force upon this earth and it has the greatest power more than anything else on this planet to transform our hearts and our souls. To bring healing to ourselves and to others, and to all of humanity. 

A very common notion in many Western thought, is take care of yourself first, and then you can take care of others, and to a point this is true. But, I believe, that we take it to the extreme, far too often, and sometimes to the point of selfishness. It is selflessness, which truly makes us whole and one with each other. 

I have been struggling with my health issues for so many years now, and "always taking care of myself," when actually, the true healing comes when I reach out and help heal others, in anyway possible. Even, if it is a simple phone call, for that phone call, can bring so much joy to one soul, or two. I feel so much better now, then I did before I reached out.

So give it a try...when you need uplifting, uplift another, and you just very well surprise yourself, with how much it can do for you. Loving others and loving ourselves are truly the keys to living. Nothing complex. It is simply, simplicity, that can bring us the greatest of joy and healing.

With great peace and love as always,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection:  The Power of Love by Luther Vandross (may his beautiful rest in peace) He was an amazing human being.

Enjoy, uplift, love, heal...

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.