2Pac - Ghetto Gospel (Official Music Video)
Bastille - World Gone Mad (from Bright: The Album) [Official Video]/"So Where Do WE Go From Here..."
How Many U.S. Deaths are Caused by Poverty, Lack of Education, and Other Social Factors?
"The investigators found that approximately 245,000 deaths in the United States in the year 2000 were attributable to low levels of education, 176,000 to racial segregation, 162,000 to low social support, 133,000 to individual-level poverty, 119,000 to income inequality, and 39,000 to area-level poverty. Overall, 4.5% of U.S. deaths were found to be attributable to poverty—midway between previous estimates of 6% and 2.3%. However the risks associated with both poverty and low education were higher for individuals aged 25 to 64 than for those 65 or older.
“Social causes can be linked to death as readily as can pathophysiological and behavioral causes,” points out Dr. Galea, who is also Gelman Professor of Epidemiology. For example, the number of deaths the researchers calculated as attributable to low education (245,000) is comparable to the number caused by heart attacks (192,898), which was the leading cause of U.S. deaths in 2000. The number of deaths attributable to racial segregation (176,000) is comparable to the number from cerebrovascular disease (167,661), the third leading cause of death in 2000, and the number attributable to low social support (162,000) compares to deaths from lung cancer (155,521).
" https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/public-health-now/news/how-many-us-deaths-are-caused-poverty-lack-education-and-other-social-factors
"Poverty Kills More People Every Year Than Either of the Top Killers -- Heart Disease or Cancer"
Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day.

- https://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-statsPretty grim and astonishing facts...That have been going on for decades and decades and decades...And now, the world lives in fear of a virus!?Do you think we may have gotten our priorities wrong somewhere along the way...?22,000 children die each day world wide from poverty alone...https://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-statsNow, can the Corona Virus match these numbers!?Source
Time to get our priorities together world and we must do it together...if We are to have light at the end of the tunnel...WE ALL NEED TO BEGIN TO CARE ABOUT EACH AND EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING THAT IS SUFFERING ON THIS PLANET.
Thank you for listen, reading my soap box...
I really needed to clear this out of my heart and my soul,
Take care one and all and I am sending so much love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
I will do a follow up to this piece. I have so many thoughts that have come to me while writing and posting pictures.
Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.

One of the most powerful and haunting songs I have ever heard about Palestine. Djamy Ross, sings with such conviction and intensity, that on...
I recently discovered something about me... I am not quite not ready to let love in again... This is a healthy thing indeed... As many of yo...
WE ALL NEED HEALING I decided, that since, I am writing about war and my personal experience right now, that I would add this healing music...
Thank you Tupac Shakur for your music and your words during your short time on this planet... Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
This has got to be one of the best songs, "Love Train" by the O´Jays, that came out, of the 70´s Disco Era, and there are sooooo m...
Frozen in Time It seems that all little boys... Play with their toy guns... Whether it is store bought... Or a stick, that for them, is jus...
I just have to share this video with all of you, my most beloved readers...I have been pretty sad all day and I ran across this video of ...
There was a time when this wondrous human being walked this earth. He was a great inspiration for so many. He still remains an inspiration. ...
For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
First, to note, I have been writing a series about war, but I am going to steer away temporarily. I find it necessary for my soul to do so ...