For the past two evenings, I have watched the movie "Titanic." I hadn't watched it, in many years, but my heart had a need. A secret need...
When I first watched the film, I never really quite got it, "why people were so fascinated with the sinking of the Titanic". After watching it, these past two nights, I got it...
It really is an amazing story, and deeply tragic, as to what happened, that one night, in the wee early hours, April 16th, 1912...
It taught me several things. It taught me that no matter your status, rich or poor, in the end, the material truly does not mean anything...
It taught me, that bravery in death, is a strength, a remember in your end, be brave, be strong...
It taught me, that I have many deep, deep secrets within my heart. As deep, as within the ocean, where the Titanic itself still lies today...
My heart´s secrets are even a mystery to me, but they are mine, and more of those secrets, came out, like the might of the ocean, these last two evenings...
A woman can learn so much, about her very own secrets, of her heart. Sometimes, we do not wish to know those secrets, but in someway or another, they will come out to your your shore...
In those hidden depths, of the heart, lie dreams, hopes, sadness, joys, and pains...desires, perhaps, even another woman we wish to be. Yet, each woman's hearts secrets are unique and her own...
So, dive into the deepest parts of your heart and discover those secrets, for in many, lie a hidden treasure of delight or of pain. It is a path to becoming more of the woman that you are and that you are meant to be...
Don't let the secrets frighten you, no, let them, allow them, to unfold in their time, to teach you your hidden depths, what lies at the bottom of your ocean of your heart...
The secrets of the heart shall set you free...
With great love from all of my heart´s secrets to your´s
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)