A Friendship is Golden...

...just as the golden moon that glistened in the sky of tonight. 

Today, I had the blessing and privilege of spending possibly the last hours with a dear friend of my heart. His respirator was removed today, although, he was breathing on his own, and I, nor his family know how long this will continue. Yet, the one fact we do know, is that he is "brain dead."

I love this man with all of my heart and soul and his beloved family. Although, I had not seen him in over a year, nonetheless, he remained with me and within me. Sometimes, we do not realize how much a person is within us until the shadow of death is upon the doorstep.

Our lives become consumed with work, family, health issues, the business of our modern lifestyle, or simply, we haven't reached out. For many it is not for lack of loving or caring...it is perhaps, just lack of remembering that remembering friendships, no matter what has passed between you in the past or what is going on in our present, that our dear and deep friendships are precious...vital. They are so, not only for our friends, but for ourselves as well.

Friends feed our soul, feed our lives. Friends can keep us from being a slave to the current technology and from some mindless television. There is nothing more golden than family and FRIENDS who truly are family within this whole realm of life. I believe with all of my quivering being that our Universal Creator intended this...connection, love, family, and our beloved friends. If you can reach out to a friend you have not spoken with in a while, please do. I know, I am going to begin to make this a priority, for I have not been reaching out to many. Today, as I kissed my golden friend goodbye, I made this promise in my heart...reaching out.

All my love dear readers and friends

Maria Juarez Boheme Beam

Musical Selection: "You've Got a Friend" by James Taylor


Thank you for reading...I dedicate this post and song to my dear friend Brian.

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