An Ode to the World's Children...

Dear beloved children you are not forgotten... It may seem as if you are... you are not... There are so many who love and who care about your horrendous plight... your daily fight... So many tears are falling... and so many people are calling... calling for an end to your pain and to your suffering... Many... every day are carrying signs...and marching the streets... are yelling out loud... are crying in silence... are crying out loud... So many are calling and writing your names beloved ones... you are not forgotten... You are loved... you are held so deeply in so many hearts... We stand by and feel helpless... and we pray for the day when you no longer have to cry... We want you to smile... and to play in the streets... to make sand castles in the sand... and in the sky... We want you to sit on your parent's laps to hear your favorite story... We want you to fall asleep with a gentle smile upon your face and to know that you are well loved and always safe... Dear beautiful children if we could only dry your tears... the tears of those still left here with us... and to those who are now the sweetest of little angels watching above... You are loved... You  are held... You are the future... You are the WORLD...

This Ode is dedicated to all the children of the world, but especially today, to the Children at the Border (The US and Mexican Border...hoping to find their parents...or hoping to find someone to love them) and to all the children who have died in Gaza and to all of those living.

To even have to write a post as this saddens me greatly. WHY!? None of us ought stand by and allow ONE child be killed or ONE child go hungry or ONE child go unloved...WHY do I have to write this!?

Stop and think, those of you who have not given much thought to those who are hungering and who are dying...I CHALLENGE YOU TO GIVE A THOUGHT! TO GIVE A CARE!...wake up to the deep and dire troubles of the world...the world's children and not just your own.

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

I also dedicate this to my own two sons...

Thank you.
Musical Selection: "We are the World" Michael Jackson and Company

We could truly use a collaboration as this right now for GAZA and for the Children at the Border...Paz y amor...

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.