Great Love and Great Sadness...

A True Story...

Many a wind has passed through the timeless village of San Blas, many a day of beauty, of trade, and many of great sadness over hundreds of years...this story, or at least the beginning of,  just over a short fifty years ago.

A most beautiful young woman, Rebeca Méndez jímenez, as she was serving savory, local fish to foreign arrivers of trade, met the dark eyes of Manuel; a flame of love was born in this pier of low lying rain forest in San Blas, Nayarit, Mexico.

Brief was the treasured time that this love affair could bloom. Yet, intensely and passionately it not only bloomed,  it blossomed. Manuel gave a promise of marriage and of return to the sweet Rebeca. His ship was to sail the next day to come.

Twenty-four hours Rebeca and Manuel savored one another until the very moment of his departure. Manuel waved his last goodbye from his ship, only to leave the lovely Rebeca with memories and her tears...

Rebeca, at that moment swore within her shattered heart, that she would have no other and that she would wait for Manual to fulfill his promise to her. As each lonely day came and left as the waves, Rebeca walked the beautiful comfort the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean would give to her; she, with her faithful spirit, longed painfully as she would wait for her betrothed's ship to return to the pier of San Blas.

Many longful day passed,  the hurting soul that was now Rebeca, began to walk the pier wearing her white, pure as the purest snow, wedding gown, and carrying a sweet, small bouquet of flowers ...everyday. As people do, the love to talk of another's tragedy occurs. The villagers of sleepy San Blas named Rebeca, "La loca de la muelle," "the crazy woman of the pier.

Rebeca and her daily ritual of her walking, now passed into years. Her skin was no longer the same, yet her tears, her deep pain, and her intense sadness had not altered. She remained faithful to her love Manuel, who so sadly never returned to her ever loving arms.

On one particular, very solemn day, the evermore beautiful Rebeca, in faded wedding gown, walked into the ocean that she so profoundly loved, perhaps more than her Manuel, she walked until the sea took her with it forever with caring, gentle, and loving waves. Rebeca, Manuel, and the sea were joined by eternity...Maria Juarez Beam, a true, timeless story from the timeless San Blas.

I have had the great privilege of going to San Blas over 20 years ago. It is ever so lovely and so charming. It has a captivation quality that has remained within in my heart these past 20 years. I do hope to return this January.

I am writing this tonight for all of Mexico, but for especially this incredibly special place of San Blas for it was to bit hit seriously by hurricane Patricia. Miraculously, at landfall the hurricane did not do the damage it was anticipated to have done. I am so very happy. (:

The song I have chosen for this piece is 

"En el Muelle de San Blas" by Mana

It song form it tells the story of mainly Rebecca. It is one of my favorite songs.

With my love always,

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Be loved and loved well...

1 comment:

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.