Ave Maria - Luciano Pavarotti

My hope is that this most amazingly, haunting, and beautiful song of Ave María, performed by Luciano Pavarotti, brings you to your knees and to lovely, lovely tears...

I dedicate this song, to my lovely and beautiful mother, María Guadalupe Veronica Juarez de Beam...Te quiero mi querida mama...mucho y como te extraño...

Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Our Lady Of Fatima Movie

I am sharing, with all of you, my most wonderful readers, here at, beamthelightbethechange, not for religious sake, but for the sake of the beauty of humanity. Yes, there is much suffering occurring, in this, often mad, filled earth. But, there is also...much beauty, so much beauty, and this, we must always, remember.

This beautifully made film is about the true story of Our Lady of Fatima that occurred in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_Fátima

The story of three blessed, and innocent children, and the, Blessed Ever Virgen, appearing before them. This is a story, about faith, during much doubt...it is a story about pure innocence and about pure love. It is a story of hope, when it seems that all hope is lost...

Many of the predictions of Our Lady of Fatima have come to pass upon us already, and more are to come. You can believe or not believe, you can be Catholic, or not, you can be whatever and whoever you wish to be...yet, goodness, is at the heart of it all, of everything in this life. 

During this New Year of 2018 to come, it is a time to reflect upon our personal and our collective past...a time to look upon what has been good, and what has not...a time to change and a time to begin anew. It is a time to renew the beauty that lies within all of us...each and everyone of us...

For, it is only, this BEAUTY, which is truly, LOVE, that will finally allow this world to change...to BEAM it's light and to BECOME it's change...not just for one, but for all...FOR ALL...

I send all of my blessing and love to all this coming New Year of 2018 and let us begin with hope, peace, and love, and the GREATEST of these, being love...Corinthians 13:7

I leave you with these, ever blessed words of Corinthians 13, a passage that has been engravened, and blazed upon my heart , and upon my soul, but have not read in so many years...we can all read these world changing words and carry them with us into this New Year...to bring about the LOVE that we all so desperately need, whether we know it or not know...may these words shower upon as the heavenly rain above...

Always with great love, Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

      1.     If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or      classing cymbal.

     2.     And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

"Joyeux Noel" (2005) WW I Christmas Eve Truce

BEAUTIFUL...Brings me to tears...I hope this touches your heart and brings it closer to help end ALL war...no more war in 2018...

Happy Christmas to all of our service men and woman...our airmen...to all troops of all countries...and to my beautiful sons who are serving...

Blessings and peace upon the whole, entire world...

Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

The Christmas Truce

WOW!!! This is powerful...both side singing "Silent Night", German and English...because truly deep down inside we are all...the same...

Peace to all this Christmas Night...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Queen - Thank God It's Christmas

I HAD NO IDEA...that Queen had a Christmas song...how wonderful. I just love their music so very much...and yes, "Thank God it's Christmas."

Peace, love, and blessings...

Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

I think this is one of my most favorite Christmas songs, apart from, "Oh Holy Night."

And, wouldn't it just be LOVELY, if we could say..."Wars are Over..."

Merry Christmas...PEACE AND LOVE...

Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Boys Town Official Trailer #1 - Mickey Rooney Movie (1938) HD

One of the best Christmas movies EVER made...and it is a true story...and Boys Town still exists today...all thanks to a man with the grandest of hearts, Father Flanagan. The human touch that we need at this Christmas time...

Merry Christmas all...
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all People...

Love, Maria Juarez Beam

A Charlie Brown Christmas Trailer

And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours...with love, Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme) 

Hopefully, this snippet of a holiday favorite, will put a smile on your face...

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.