What You’re Not Being Told About Venezuela Crisis. w/Abby Martin

Abbey Martin, once again, speaking truthfully, and clearly, about what is truly going on in Venezuela. Watching people, like Abbey Martin, speak about what is the truth behind Venezuela, brings me to tears...for socialism, and strong leaders, such as Hugo Chavez, who have uplifted the invisible, and the poor, are demonized. Their countries are economically attacked, and violently attacked, for going against capitalism; a system of greed, with the only goal, of acquiring wealth, and more wealth, for the already, most wealthy. A system, that is called "freedom!?"

I proudly, call myself, a "green socialist," and I hope, that one day, socialism replaces capitalism, and, will bring it to it's literally, bloody hands, and knees. And with it, the lies, the propagation of these lies, and the fact, that most of the world, especially, those of the United States, eats and swallows these lies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! 

I find it quite curious, that the base of these, "so-called saviors", of the "poor and desperate," people, from the "Venezuelaen Regime," are based in Miami...the same base of those who "fled" Cuba and absolutely despise the Cuban Government. Why, for these are the families, whose lands were divided amongst all. And, also, were the families, of the most wealthy of Cubans, who supported, the real "dictator," Flugencio Bautista, a murderous and horrendous man, that the United States supported, and financed.

And, as reported for many years, "poor and desperate", Cubans flee Cuba to Miami in boats", and now what is being reported, "poor and desperate," Venezuelians, fleeing to Colombia, a dictatorship country, that, of course, the United States supports and finances. How coincidental, how convenient, how many times repeated over and over again by the United States and their partners in crime, the oligarchs of the "dictatorship," countries. 

Begin to destroy the economy, begin the lies, begin the downfall of the leaders of the champions of the poor...to only bring the real desperation of the people who will be in need...

I just implore all of you who believe in the continues and perpetual lies, and the demonization, of countries such as Venezuela, to just stop...just stop buying the lies, and come to your senses, and begin to be, a true champion of the poor, and those in need, and of the leaders who uplift and better their lives.

I hope that one day, I will no longer need to write this over and over again, believe in the truth and no longer in the lies...

Yours in peace, truth in love,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

1 comment:

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.