Six Arrested After Assassination Attempt on President Maduro

I wonder, how many people, are paying attention, to the fact, that an assassination attempt, was made upon, the democratically elected leader, President Nicolas Maduro, of Venezuela, on August, 4th, 2018?

Perhaps on the "so-called," "mainstream media" it has been news. I would not know for I do not watch a second of this "so-called, "news." I even looked for articles on the alternative sites, that I read...very little is mentioned. I am truly, shocked and surprised, of, the very little coverage, on such a major world event.

Perhaps, because so many, are, focusing on Trump and Russia right now, a deterrent for all of the covert operations that are being conducted by the CIA in Latin America...? Trust me, Russia may be in the forefront, but, this does not mean, that Latin America, has not been put on the "back-burner." In fact, Latin America, is the most focused, major part, of the agenda of the CIA, and the United States Government. 

The main targets right now, are the attempt at tumbling the current Sandinista Government in Nicaragua, the insurance of the support of the ultra right wing government in Colombia, who was recently, the first Latin American country, to become a member of NATO, and the toppling of the Venezuelan Government.

A "peace process," is currently being conducted by the government of Colombia and of FARC, Fuerzas Amadas Revolucionares de Colombia, (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) The process has been happening, over at least, the past year, I was to be a witness of the peace process last summer, but was unable to go due to health conditions. I was to be an observer in support of FARC. 

The CIA, and the United States Government, not only, began the "drug war," in Colombia, they are insuring that it will continue, even while FARC, has been laying down, it's only protection, their armaments. Of course, the United States supports and backs, the ultra right wing of the current Colombian Government.

What does Colombia have to do with this assassination attempt, you may ask? It is being stated, that six Colombians, have been arrested in the assassination attempt of Nicolas Maduro. In April of 2017, Maduro made a very strong statement towards the Government of Colombia, "Colombia is a failed state, and is planning a FARC massacre."

As I stated above, the US, and the CIA, began the horrific "drug war," in Colombia, and funds, and arms it to this day. Do they want peace with FARC, not at all!? 

Does the United States Government support the current government, and the past government, under Hugo Chavez, of Venezuela? It most empathically, did not, and does not. Assassination  attempts, and, coup attempts, were made against the former, and late President, Hugo Chavez...and, another, now, against the current, and two time, democratically elected president, Nicolas Maduro. It does not take too much intelligence, to figure out, who is truly behind this failed assignation attempt upon Nicolas Maduro, on April 4th, 2018. "DRONES," alone, is enough to know, who is truly responsible.

Oh, there is so much more, that I could write upon this subject. Also, on the reasons, why the United States, so hostilely, defiles, and demonizes the Chavista Government of Venezuela. Of the CIA'S full on, covert, and non-covert operations to overthrow this government, and many other, socially democratic governments in Latin America, only install, true dictators and puppets for the US. 

There is also, the School of Americas, which is now renamed, The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, that is located on the Army Base of Fort Benning, in Georgia, United States. Their purpose, to recruit and train Latin American terrorists, to be soldiers, of covert operations, by the CIA to topple Latin American Governments, who do not support United States agenda. Basically, a killing agency.

Venezuela, is a fiercely outspoken country against the United States, and wishes to remain a sovereign nation, and NEVER to be a United States puppet. This alone, make the country an "enemy," of the United States. And, never mind that fact, that Venezuela sits upon the world's largest oil supply.  Hmmm, could that be a small part, of this hatred, and demonization of Venezuela...?

Just some food for thought, for all of those who believe, all of the bullshit, put out by the media, that completely supports the agenda of the CIA, and the US government.

I could be out, having a really great time, in one of the most festive cities, that I know of, in the world, Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, but I, instead chose, to write about a major world event.

As always, in great peace and love...

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Shine the light on truth, peace, and love...always...

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