Nickelback What Are You Waiting For (Edite Music Video) HQ EM 2014

Reach Out Your Hand....

...and you reach out your heart...

There are many of us here on this planet...

There are many of us in need of a hand and in need of a heart...

Oftentimes, it is someone you know...

Although, they may not always show...

They just may need you to reach out your hand...

To just help them for a bit...

So that they can continue to stand...

We all need someone...we cannot do this life alone...

No matter how strong one is....

Or how independent they may seem...

We all need someone...

And that someone may be you...

That someone could be your best friend, your neighbor, your brother, your sister, or someone you may not know at all...

Reach out...reach out...because we don't always ask...

And when we do ask, and there is someone, there with there hand, and their heart...

This can make all the difference, in the day, in the life of this one person...

Our thoughts, our words, and our efforts, are like precious gold...

This is a world in great need, far away and also, so near...

So, if you open your eyes, your hearts a little wider...

You, may see, those that are close around, who for that one day...

Need reach out your hand...

And, if you do, the world becomes all the better for it...

From my hand and my heart to yours,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection:

Nickleback: "What Are You Waiting For?

Beethoven Silence

In the Deep Crevices of the Soul

Lie so many secrets that no one knows...

Lies so much pain of which one barley allows to show...

Oh, in those deep crevices of the soul...

Lies undiscovered territory...

Or territory discovered and kept in a form of purgatory...

How well does one know it's own soul...?

How many acknowledge the very existence of a soul...?

Especially, if within one's soul, there lies a very large whole...

Where no deep crevices lie...only deep darkness, darkness and sadness, that only desires to be hidden away...

The soul is mysterious, the soul is it's own master, the soul charters it's own waters...

The mystery of the soul wishes not be tied to the dock of any bay...

The soul holds it's own secrets and it keeps it's own council...

The soul is a chamber of the very acknowledgment of life and of death...

In the deep crevices of the soul lies your mystery, lies your questions, and lies your answers...

In the deep crevices of the soul...

From my soul to yours,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: Beethoven Silence

The Day Our Beautiful Son Was Born

April 8th, 1993, 27 years ago, today, a beautiful boy was born. A beautiful boy, who is now a man. A strong and handsome, young man. 

That special day, that very special day, was the second greatest joy in my life, the first, being the birth of my first son. 

This beautiful boy, is a miracle child, we nearly lost him, several times. I did say he is strong, and it began in the womb. He was determined to come out early, but when the day of his birth came, he had changed his mind, and he turned himself around, that being head up and feet down. 

Now, it was I, who needed to be strong. It was a difficult birth indeed and we could have lost him, but strength, will, determination, and most of all, love, brought him fourth. I saw that sweet, sweet, tired little face, and my heart beamed with joy, as the tears steamed down my face.

His father, being his first son, was ECSTATIC!!! He whisked him out of the nurse's arms, ran down the hospital hallway, to show off his beautiful son to everyone! It was one of the most lovely moments of my life, to have made my husband so happy and so proud. 

Our son is grown now, and his father has left this earth. Our son, was only ten years old, when Brian went away. Yet, in those ten years, our son was given the greatest gift of fatherly love, for Brian, was an amazing father, who was never lacking in love. Our son was so blessed to have those ten short years, years of gold.

So, that day, of 26 years ago, when our beautiful son was born, the world became, a better place for it. I love you son and a very Happy Birthday.

P.S. I miss you so much.

Here are some pictures of our beautiful son...

My love to you all,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Song: "Beautiful Boy," by John Lennon

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.