Stepping into the crystal blue waters of the Sea of Cortez...
I felt my soul open wide...
As I just shared, I cried...

Yet, it was far deeper than this...
It was an experience so profound...
A feeling so deep...
That all I could do was weep...
There is something magical about steping into the sea...
Especially in waters so warm, so comforting...
An evelopment of love surrounds you...
The gift of bouyancy from the high saline content...
The waters feel as silk upon the skin...
And they seem to reach far within...
One can close their eyes...
Or open them so wide...
To only stare at the amazingly clear blue skys...
The smell of the sea...
The warm air...

All of this can bring one to their knees...
Can bring you to the threshold of your soul...
There is no escape...
All of these wondrous gifts upon you bestow...
The opening of your soul...
From then, new terrain is yours to explore...

What this looks like...
I have yet to know...
For I am embarking upon new waters...
That healing waters launched...
The healing waters of the Sea of Cortez...
I do know this, for this new journey...
I must be staunch...
For the soul is not a play toy...
The soul comprises of all that we are and ever were...
Courage, bravery, and new eyes...
To look deep in the waters in order to fully mature...
Mature into ourselves...
Mature into our humanity...

Mature into our origins divine...
Together we can all do this with full certainty...
I wish to thank all of my wonderful readers for reading these simple writings of mine. All that I share comes from a place within me that is pure and true, and I am so privileged to share with all of you.
May peace, love, and joy reign upon us all...
All my love as always,
Maria Juarez Beam
Musical Selection:
Earth Wind & Fire : Devotion
Enjoy!!! Have devotion to yourself, your soul, to humanity, to peace, to love, and to the betterment of life for all here on our splendours world...Viva en paz y amor...Maria