...of BeamtheLightbetheChange
I wish to share with you tonight at 7:54 pm Pacific Standard Time in California USA that I am returning to my writings. :)
I am feeling the need to return to my passion...my writing...
I am finally weaning off of my crutches and I am actually able to walk sometime without a crutch at all...
This is making a huge difference for me for I am now feeling as if life is returning back to Maria...
I must say it is more difficult than I perceived...
It is truly as learning how to walk once again...
Yet, this gives me great happiness within my heart...Oh, to be on two feet once again...:)
I am beginning by editing my posts from when I first began BeamtheLightBetheChange back in May of this year...
If you happen to see any re-posts this is the reason why...
I felt the need to do some cleaning up, perhaps change a musical selection, and to add more writing to a post if needed...
This is good for me to do for I can see the birth of this blog and where it has taken me to today...
It shall take me some time...but it will get done...
And yes, in the meantime, I shall write about The Zapatistas, Tears of Gaza, and more about the American Indian...
I shall return to my series of peoples around the globe past and present who have been, continue to be, or are in great struggle...
I also, will of course, continue with my poetry...this seems to be my forte..
BeamtheLightBetheChange is an eclectic mix of many things...it is much as I am...quite eclectic... ;)
Rather than delve into that subject tonight, I think I just received an inspiration for a future poem...:)
It's funny, when you begin something, and you feel as if you know exactly how you want it to evolve, and then it seems to take a life of its own...this is most certainly what BeamtheLightbetheChange has been for me...
This of very often how life is...so I simply accept, embrace, and write what I feel within...
I do have great wanting of my writings to beam some light into your lives and with any hope, bring change as well...personally and globally...
Please be well all of my wonderful and delightful readers. You are in my heart and I send much love, joy, light, and peace to each and everyone of you...
All my love,
Maria Juarez Boheme Beam
I shall explain the added Boheme in a future post (if you take a good look at Beam and Boheme you may be able to see it for yourself, but it is a story dear to my heart that I shall share with you soon.)
Paz y amor...
Musical Selection: "Labios Compartidos" Mana from their Album Amar Es Combatir...To Love is to Battle
In today's world there is love, but we also must fight for love so that it will become our permanent state of being. Mana just happens to be LO MAXIMO, the ULTIMATE group of my heart...They are from Guadalajara, Mexico...and playing in Guadalajara, Mexico on my birthday on December 7th! And to me, they are just staight up sexy...;)
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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.

One of the most powerful and haunting songs I have ever heard about Palestine. Djamy Ross, sings with such conviction and intensity, that on...
I recently discovered something about me... I am not quite not ready to let love in again... This is a healthy thing indeed... As many of yo...
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Thank you Tupac Shakur for your music and your words during your short time on this planet... Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
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I just have to share this video with all of you, my most beloved readers...I have been pretty sad all day and I ran across this video of ...
There was a time when this wondrous human being walked this earth. He was a great inspiration for so many. He still remains an inspiration. ...
For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
First, to note, I have been writing a series about war, but I am going to steer away temporarily. I find it necessary for my soul to do so ...
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