Miracles Truly Do Happen...

Even in the face of difficult or trying times...
Miracles do happen...
As many of you know I have moved to Guanajuato, Mexico at least for a time...
My most beloved Mexico has changed in many ways...
Yet, at the same time it retains the sense of amazing beauty...and an atmosphere of community and deep faith even with its poverty...
Tonight I shall make this post short for I am very tired and I need to arise early and I will return to finish tomorrow...
Tonight, I simply wanted to share that even though our world may be in turmoil...times have changed greatly...many are suffering...and we are "suppose" to guard ourselves against those who are out to take advantage of us in various ways...
This I can say...is that I believe in the most inner core of all of us is deep goodness...even if it appears that there may be something different...
A miracle occurred for me tonight while I was out strolling these lovely streets in Guanajuato...yes, someone attempted to take advantage of my kindness for I think he saw me give some money and a piece of sweet bread to a very poor man in front of the church I attend...
He was a young man, very handsome...shared with me his story of why he needed money...I gave him a few pesos...he gave me a prayer book for he knew I was Catholic for he must have been watching me for a time. Here in Mexico, the largest Catholic country in the world, the people make the sign of the cross several times every time they pass a church...I have been doing the same. This very young and handsome man, in Spanish said to me, here is a gift for you, it is a prayer book. I took it graciously...
When I arrived at my apartment here I looked at the prayer book gifted to me. It is dedicated to Santa Cruz...Saint of the Holy Cross; a miracle for me, for you see when I was in church the day before on the Feast Day of La Virgen de Guadalupe, the Patroness of Mexico, I met a lovely poor family with two beautiful girls. One of the girls had epilepsy, which many of you who read my writings know that I also have epilepsy. Their faith is so great that they believed that Santa Cruz cured their daughter. Santa Cruz happens to be the Patron Saint of Epilepsy. I never knew of this until they shared this with me. They also shared with me where I could go to get a prayer book of Santa Cruz and told me to say the prayers daily. Here tonight, I was gifted a prayer book of Santa Cruz by this young man asking for money. For me, this is truly a miracle...
I shall return to this post tomorrow to clean it up a bit, add a song and some pictures. I now need my sleep. I wanted to share this story with all of you tonight. Despite what appears to be deception, there is also good.
I cannot wait to share with all of you my pictures and story about the Feast Day of our Lady of Guadalupe here in my beautiful Guanajuato, Mexico...
Blessings, love, and goodness to you all tonight...today. All of my love, Maria
Maria Juarez Boheme Beam

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