I Believe I Can Fly Subtitulada Español wmv360p H 264 AAC
I Believe I Can Fly Subtitulada Español wmv360p H 264 AAC
Palestine, Gaza in Perspective...
Do you REALLY think that Hamas is the problem...!!!???
These are facts and numbers from an ISRALI publication:
These are facts and numbers from an ISRALI publication:
And these are the facts of Gazans killed during Israeli launched wars...
The video that I have also shared, "Gaza in Context," explains well many facts going back to the Nakba (catastrophe) in 1948 when Zionists invaded Palestine in 1948 with the support of Europe. Israel did not exist at this time and neither did Hamas and of course...no rocket fire. The fact is that it was in fact...ISRAEL...YES...ISRAEL that created Hamas in order to conquer and divided the people of Gaza, it had the opposite effect. And the rocket fire that Israel claims to defend itself from...26 since 1994 to 2009. I did see a more recent article in my research that stated 44, but that would be up until 2016. Watch the video and learn and please send me a response on how you respond if the horrific atrocities committed by Israel were happening to you...how would you respond!?
Research this, and to find the facts is very difficult these days, because of so much Israeli and US propaganda, so value these difficult to encounter true facts, and find in your heart, the compassion for the people of Palestine and please stop listening to the lies, blatant lies...many Europeans and all tax paying US citizens are paying for this death and destruction...do you want to continue to have blood on your hands...in peace, Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
A note, I not only get my facts from research, but also from being very proactive in attending lectures by scholars, by truth searchers who have studies and have been to Palestine, who have written books, and by being active in many organizations that fight for the truth for Palestine.
Please also remember, that it is not only people of Islam whom live in Palestine, but also Christians...this in NOT a 2000 year old conflict between Muslims and Jews as so many people so very mistakenly believe...this is a terrible aggression that began in 1948...REMEMBER, 1948, that is 69 years... NOT 2000!
In peace and love always,
Freedom for Palestine, One world
So very beautiful...
We just had the day of love...
February 14th...Saint Valentine's Day...
A story of deep and tragic love...
Love is deep, but not always tragic...
Yet, we celebrate this day of tragic love, perhaps to remind us just how precious love is...
Love of a man...
Love of a woman...
Love of a child...
Love of family...
Love of friends...
Love of strangers...
Love of a country...
Love is love and it is wonderful to be celebrated on not only Saint Valentines Day, but everyday...
We just had the day of love...
February 14th...Saint Valentine's Day...
A story of deep and tragic love...
Love is deep, but not always tragic...
Yet, we celebrate this day of tragic love, perhaps to remind us just how precious love is...
Love of a man...

Love of a child...
Love of family...
Love of friends...
Love of strangers...
Love of a country...
Love is love and it is wonderful to be celebrated on not only Saint Valentines Day, but everyday...
Love with each breath that you take...with each smile that you make...
With every hug...with every kiss...with everything that your heart has to give...
With great love and deep affection for all of my readers and for all of this world and for the loves of my heart...
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: Savage Garden...I Knew I Loved You
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow..."
Do we dare dream of rainbows...?
A day without cares...
A day knowing that all in the world are well...
A day knowing that not a soul goes hungry...
A day of knowing that not a soul imprisioned...

A day of knowing we are with out war...
A day when mother's no longer have to cry...
A day with out greed...

A day when all are treated equal...
"Yes," you may think I am a dreamer..."
Can we have this day...?
I do believe that we can...
Yet, it shall take a lot of work from everyone's hearts...
A day without cares...
A day knowing that all in the world are well...
A day knowing that not a soul goes hungry...
A day of knowing that not a soul imprisioned...

A day of knowing we are with out war...
A day when mother's no longer have to cry...
A day with out greed...

A day when all are treated equal...
"Yes," you may think I am a dreamer..."
Can we have this day...?
I do believe that we can...
Yet, it shall take a lot of work from everyone's hearts...
We need to turn our hearts golden...
To bring this day...these days of rainbows...
of pure love and goodness for all of the world...
I know I write of what is wrong in our world...
Yes, I still hold the hope that we can all change...
For, it WILL take US...
It will not take an act of God...
It will take acts from humanity...
And, each act begins with our hearts...
With love...
With goodness...
With respect and kindness for all that walk this earth...
With all the evil that is occurring...
We can rise above...
Let's do...
What do you say...?
And bring about a revolution of love...
And rainbows, rainbows, rainbows...
Before we can change the world around us God wants us to change the world inside us...unknown
Be hopeful, for only when we are sure that we can change the world, we will...Angelque Curan
Ideas can change the world. Your words can change the world never let anybody tell you that they can't...Jeremy Limn
Love is a feeling completely bound up with color, like thousands of rainbows superimposed, one upon the other...Paul Coelho
There is no envy, jealousy, or hatred between the colors of the rainbow. And no fear either. Because each one exists to make the others' love more beautiful...Aberjhani
Bring rainbows to your heart and to the world...
With all my love,
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: Somewhere Over the Rainbow...
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
A Letter to the Former President Barack Obama...Part 2
Dear Mr. Obama,
you have now left the office of the President of the United States, the most powerful position in the world. I wrote to you in a former letter. I don't know if you ever read it, but I hope you did.
In this letter, I explained all of my disappointments with you as president, most especially regarding foreign policy. You have left the office with many people thinking how wonderful your presidency was and many people knowing that it was not a wonderful presidency. Many from the democratic party turned away, because of you. and because of the former candidate for the office of president, Hillary Clinton. I am one of those people. Now, we have Donald Trump.
Yes, you did some very good things domestically, such as "Obama Care", putting a halt on the construction of the North Dakota Access Pipeline, and commuting the sentence for Chelsea Manning. I am sure you did other good things Mr. Obama, but overall I believe that you left, not only the country, but also, the world is a worse state than before you entered. And, I feel, because of this, Donald Trump is president. A man who has plunged the country into chaos and who is making decisions that are absolutely shocking.
I would not hold the entire responsibility upon your shoulders, but most certainly a great deal. It is unbelievable to know that there are so many in this country who detest immigrants, people of Islam, and people of color. It is a great embarrassment for this country.
We now have a so-called leader that tweets all day, and rather than mourning the death of a soldier that he sent into Yemen, he tweets. There were many people who thought his foreign policy would be different from yours Mr. Obama, but it is not, and I feel that it will be more detrimental than your foreign policy.
The wars will continue, the drone strikes will continue, the supporting and arming of terrorists will continue, the build up of military along the Russian border will continue, there is the possibility of invading Iran, and his support of Israel is even stronger than yours, which actually was waning towards the end of your years of President. He supports torture, which will mean Guantanamo Bay will remain open; you never shut this place of great suffering torture as you promised.
President Obama, I am sure that you are a good man, but even good men can override their good hearts, and do evil. Yes, I do use the word evil, for the blatant killing of so many people on a daily basis, is evil. Unfortunately, you did not turn out to be a better President than George W. Bush. Actually, more arms were sold under your administration, more drone strikes were carried out, and more immigrants were deported, than under the Bush Administration. Two wars against Gaza by Israel occurred under your watch and during those wars you increased funding to Israel.
I hope somehow you will be able to make peace with yourself. You do have an absolutely lovely family and it warmed my heart to read the your daughter Malia went to North Dakota to stand with the Water Protecters there this week rather than going on vacation with
all of you. I hope that they learned something from your warring years as president. I hope you have learned something as well. I hope that you can find redemption and possibly use your years after your presidency, as Jimmy Carter has done. I cannot pass judgment upon you, that is not what we are to do as human beings, but I can express to you, that so much wrong was committed under your command.
I wish you the best for your life and your family former President Barack Obama.
Most Sincerely in peace and love,
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
you have now left the office of the President of the United States, the most powerful position in the world. I wrote to you in a former letter. I don't know if you ever read it, but I hope you did.
In this letter, I explained all of my disappointments with you as president, most especially regarding foreign policy. You have left the office with many people thinking how wonderful your presidency was and many people knowing that it was not a wonderful presidency. Many from the democratic party turned away, because of you. and because of the former candidate for the office of president, Hillary Clinton. I am one of those people. Now, we have Donald Trump.
Yes, you did some very good things domestically, such as "Obama Care", putting a halt on the construction of the North Dakota Access Pipeline, and commuting the sentence for Chelsea Manning. I am sure you did other good things Mr. Obama, but overall I believe that you left, not only the country, but also, the world is a worse state than before you entered. And, I feel, because of this, Donald Trump is president. A man who has plunged the country into chaos and who is making decisions that are absolutely shocking.
I would not hold the entire responsibility upon your shoulders, but most certainly a great deal. It is unbelievable to know that there are so many in this country who detest immigrants, people of Islam, and people of color. It is a great embarrassment for this country.
We now have a so-called leader that tweets all day, and rather than mourning the death of a soldier that he sent into Yemen, he tweets. There were many people who thought his foreign policy would be different from yours Mr. Obama, but it is not, and I feel that it will be more detrimental than your foreign policy.
The wars will continue, the drone strikes will continue, the supporting and arming of terrorists will continue, the build up of military along the Russian border will continue, there is the possibility of invading Iran, and his support of Israel is even stronger than yours, which actually was waning towards the end of your years of President. He supports torture, which will mean Guantanamo Bay will remain open; you never shut this place of great suffering torture as you promised.
President Obama, I am sure that you are a good man, but even good men can override their good hearts, and do evil. Yes, I do use the word evil, for the blatant killing of so many people on a daily basis, is evil. Unfortunately, you did not turn out to be a better President than George W. Bush. Actually, more arms were sold under your administration, more drone strikes were carried out, and more immigrants were deported, than under the Bush Administration. Two wars against Gaza by Israel occurred under your watch and during those wars you increased funding to Israel.
I hope somehow you will be able to make peace with yourself. You do have an absolutely lovely family and it warmed my heart to read the your daughter Malia went to North Dakota to stand with the Water Protecters there this week rather than going on vacation with
all of you. I hope that they learned something from your warring years as president. I hope you have learned something as well. I hope that you can find redemption and possibly use your years after your presidency, as Jimmy Carter has done. I cannot pass judgment upon you, that is not what we are to do as human beings, but I can express to you, that so much wrong was committed under your command.
I wish you the best for your life and your family former President Barack Obama.
Most Sincerely in peace and love,
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
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