A day without cares...
A day knowing that all in the world are well...
A day knowing that not a soul goes hungry...
A day of knowing that not a soul imprisioned...

A day of knowing we are with out war...
A day when mother's no longer have to cry...
A day with out greed...

A day when all are treated equal...
"Yes," you may think I am a dreamer..."
Can we have this day...?
I do believe that we can...
Yet, it shall take a lot of work from everyone's hearts...
We need to turn our hearts golden...
To bring this day...these days of rainbows...
of pure love and goodness for all of the world...
I know I write of what is wrong in our world...
Yes, I still hold the hope that we can all change...
For, it WILL take US...
It will not take an act of God...
It will take acts from humanity...
And, each act begins with our hearts...
With love...
With goodness...
With respect and kindness for all that walk this earth...
With all the evil that is occurring...
We can rise above...
Let's do...
What do you say...?
And bring about a revolution of love...
And rainbows, rainbows, rainbows...
Before we can change the world around us God wants us to change the world inside us...unknown
Be hopeful, for only when we are sure that we can change the world, we will...Angelque Curan
Ideas can change the world. Your words can change the world never let anybody tell you that they can't...Jeremy Limn
Love is a feeling completely bound up with color, like thousands of rainbows superimposed, one upon the other...Paul Coelho
There is no envy, jealousy, or hatred between the colors of the rainbow. And no fear either. Because each one exists to make the others' love more beautiful...Aberjhani
Bring rainbows to your heart and to the world...
With all my love,
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: Somewhere Over the Rainbow...
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
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