A Letter to the Former President Barack Obama...Part 2

Dear Mr. Obama, 

you have now left the office of the President of the United States, the most powerful position in the world. I wrote to you in a former letter. I don't know if you ever read it, but I hope you did.

In this letter, I explained all of my disappointments with you as president, most especially regarding foreign policy. You have left the office with many people thinking how wonderful your presidency was and many people knowing that it was not a wonderful presidency. Many from the democratic party turned away, because of you. and because of the former candidate for the office of president, Hillary Clinton. I am one of those people. Now, we have Donald Trump. 

Yes, you did some very good things domestically, such as "Obama Care", putting a halt on the construction of the North Dakota Access Pipeline, and commuting the sentence for Chelsea Manning. I am sure you did other good things Mr. Obama, but overall I believe that you left, not only the country, but also, the world is a worse state than before you entered. And, I feel, because of this, Donald Trump is president. A man who has plunged the country into chaos and who is making decisions that are absolutely shocking.

I would not hold the entire responsibility upon your shoulders, but most certainly a great deal. It is unbelievable to know that there are so many in this country who detest immigrants, people of Islam, and people of color. It is a great embarrassment for this country. 

We now have a so-called leader that tweets all day, and rather than mourning the death of a soldier that he sent into Yemen, he tweets. There were many people who thought his foreign policy would be different from yours Mr. Obama, but it is not, and I feel that it will be more detrimental than your foreign policy. 

The wars will continue, the drone strikes will continue, the supporting and arming of terrorists will continue, the build up of military along the Russian border will continue, there is the possibility of invading Iran, and his support of Israel is even stronger than yours, which actually was waning towards the end of your years of President. He supports torture, which will mean Guantanamo Bay will remain open; you never shut this place of great suffering torture as you promised. 

President Obama, I am sure that you are a good man, but even good men can override their good hearts, and do evil. Yes, I do use the word evil, for the blatant killing of so many people on a daily basis, is evil. Unfortunately, you did not turn out to be a better President than George W. Bush. Actually, more arms were sold under your administration, more drone strikes were carried out, and more immigrants were deported, than under the Bush Administration. Two wars against Gaza by Israel occurred under your watch and during those wars you increased funding to Israel.

I hope somehow you will be able to make peace with yourself. You do have an absolutely lovely family and it warmed my heart to read the your daughter Malia went to North Dakota to stand with the Water Protecters there this week rather than going on vacation with
all of you. I hope that they learned something from your warring years as president. I hope you have learned something as well. I hope that you can find redemption and possibly use your years after your presidency, as Jimmy Carter has done. I cannot pass judgment upon you, that is not what we are to do as human beings, but I can express to you, that so much wrong was committed under your command.

I wish you the best for your life and your family former President Barack Obama.

Most Sincerely in peace and love,

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

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