Do I miss Barack Obama...No!

Barack Obama was, NO, HE DID NOT AND WE DID NOT.

Do I like Trump, of course not, he is a fool, who is further pushing us away from what used to resemble our Constitution.

Yes, the unraveling began with G.W. Bush...his father, and yes, Ronald Regan, but it became full blown under Barack Obama and he is THE reason why I am no longer a democrat and will never be again...I am me, and I am a socialist, and I am damn proud of being so.

Under our noses Obama stripped away constitutional rights, not a soul protested. Under our noses he deported:

If you don’t follow the immigration debate closely, you may be a bit confused. The left is increasingly angry with President Obama, calling him the “deporter-in-chief.” That’s because the total number of deportations during Obama’s tenure recently passed 2 million. As Dara Lind wrote last week at Vox, that pace puts him on track to “have deported more people by the end of 2014 than George W. Bush did in his entire eight years.”  Immigration groups like America’s Voice and publications like Mother Jones have made the same point.

"THE DEPORTER-IN-CHIEF, is what he was dubbed. 
Were all of these criminals as many "liberal," minds believe...NO!!!! Read the article, and also I know from living in Stockton, California (the heart of farming country) and the San Francisco Bay Area under the Obama Administration, just how many homes of immigrants were raided in the middle of the night tearing away parents from their terrified children!!! Just how many farms were raided by ICE!!! Where were the people in the streets!!!??? Trump is just so blatant about mass deportation, and so thus so much coverage. Don't be blind and think that this did not happen under Obama. And one thing that at least Trump is doing when he deports, (of course, I DO NOT agree with the deportation), he that returns them to their state of origin in Mexico. Under Obama, after being detained, would let them right at the border of Mexico with not a single ounce of money...many could not return home, and homeless communities along the border sprang up and still remain. You TELL ME, WHO STOOD UP AGAINST THIS!?

Oh, and war, full on hard-on for war!!! The man who promised to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, created SIX, YES, SIX MORE WARS...Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, which does not include our funding of the wars against Gaza, Palestine) including a new full-on cold, almost hot war with Russia...and for what!!!??? Do you believe the bloody bullshit, the news? For, that is what it truly is, BULLSHIT!!! WHO STOOD UP AGAINST THESE WARS!!!??? The democrats are full on war hawks, agents of death, with the exception of a very few very good democrats left on this earth, for example Barbara Lee, representative of Congress from Oakland, California. Am I angry...oh yes, I am very angry! I am angry that not only conservatives, but also so-called liberals, have bought on to so much death and destruction. SYRIA...I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW MANY PEOPLE BELIEVE THE BLATANT AND BLOODY LIES ABOUT SYRIA, BASHAR ASSAD, AND SYRIAN GOVERNMENTAL ARMY.

Honestly, people do recognize truth if it hits them coming at a million miles per hour...let's believe the lies and the fake horror stories about evil Assad and Putin...what ABOUT EVIL BARACK OBAMA...under which all of this bloodshed began!? I cannot express my anger enough, and to all who still support this man, and the democratic party. We created and armed at least SEVEN terrorist groups, including ISIS, to create this havoc, death, destruction, and greedy agenda in Syria. Oh, the spin masters have been brilliant for so many are fooled! When I write about Syria and Bashar Assad, I am agaust  at how many people think that I am out of my mind and that I support terror!!! Seriously, that is the furthest thing that I support, and I abbore the fact that, too many people believe in, and support the real terror.  We have the EVIDENCE that we, the United States, created, this "so-called," civil war in Syria. The plan was created under the G.W. Bush administration, and carried out by,...yes, BARACK OBAMA! How many refugees have you created Barack Obama??? How many lives have you destroyed??? How much blood is on your hands...and the hands of your still supporters...??? Do not blame Bashar Assad for what is happening in Syria. And, now, thanks to liberals also supporting war-hawk appointees in the Trump administration, we are putting BOOTS ON GROUND IN SYRIA...COMPLETELY DEFYING INTERNATIONAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW...

Russia, oooofff, that will take a whole other writing, for how we have accepted the fact that Russia is evil and Vladimir Putin (who actually is an exceptional leader, not perfect, but exceptional), the evil of evil, is beyond all my comprehension. Just to note for now, NO, RUSSIA DID NOT TAKE OVER CRIMEA, NOR THE UKRAINE!!! These were master plans under the, yes, BARACK OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. I will get back to Russia on it's own personal writing, for it deserves such, just as Syria does, but I am for now, wanting to point out major flaws of Barack Obama...WHEN NO ONE WAS HITTING THE STREETS under his presidency, well, with the exception of a very few groups, such as ANSWER.ORG., of which I was a great part, and I am proud of it. 

Just take a look at the military build up along the ENTIRE RUSSIAN BORDER! Do you seriously, believe this is necessary!!!??? It is about control, empire, and of course, always resources. I recently saw a documentary, "South of the Border," by the ever outstanding, Oliver Stone, stating that Russia is one of seven countries that has enough oil to last for the next two hundred years. By the way, I have the link to this documentary "South of the Border," on this blog.  All other countries will run out before two hundred years and so we want control of those who will have enough for the next two hundred years...that is what our military men and women are sworn to protect...I personally, know a United States Navy Admiral, and he told me this...HE TOLD ME THIS!  So we send our innocents into battle for greed!!! Let's keep driving those cars, having our plastic, and all synthetic materials...oh, and of course, we must keep the arms business at the top!

Our country, the United States, is the sponsor and creator of war and terror, and we have quite a long history of this...which could be another writing in and of itself. We, as a people, have become complicit, and supporters of war, no matter what party you are a part of in our broken system. We as a people have so much blood on our hands, and although those blood stains are not visible...make no bones about it, they are there, and if we do NOT BEGIN TO STAND UP AGAINST ALL THIS ENDLESS WAR, EMPIRE, AND BULLSHIT...OUR HANDS WILL TURN RED WITH THE SHAME...

Yes, I write about peace and love, for that is what my heart is truly about, but when I am angry, I am angry, and is always with good reason. So, if you are upset, by my anger, well good, maybe it might get some wheels turning. I don't know, but my intent is to express my great anger at a good majority of the people of the United States, and yes, many parts of Europe, for accepting for what the world has become and supporting it. I personally, recommend change and waking up...

Peace and love,

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: Wake up...Rage Against the Machine

I am posting two videos of this of a live version which I think is awesome, but very hard to understand what Zach de la Rocha is the other is with the lyrics...

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.