
For this is meant to be a lovely post...just a simply lovely post...

Firstly, take a look at the amazing tree you see next to these

simply written words...

Please, do, just take a moment to reflect upon it's beauty...

The stunning colors...It's shear magic...

OH, how I would love to lie under a tree such as this...

Yet, I can take myself there, simply with the image...

I hope you can as well...

Reflect upon a moonlit velvet sky...and stars dancing a high...

Reflections of the most precious of gifts...

A beautiful rose...

With it's smell ever so sweet...

Do you know, that by smelling a rose, that your brain reacts by sending a flush of dopamine...the chemical that relaxes you, that calms you, that makes you smile...

So by, "stopping to smell the roses," is not merely an expression...

It is magical...

Beautiful colors and phenomena such as turquoise waters...

Heavenly Northern Lights...

All reflections to delight the soul...feed your heart...bring you comfort, and to realize that there are truly amazing gifts all around... 

Beautiful reflections of light...can truly enter upon your soul...your essence...your being...

You can take a breath and allow these marvels to enrapture you...

To take you to a place deep within yourself...

Bodies of water that wash your cares away for a time..

The peace, the gentleness, and the regeneration of spirit...

These reflections can bring...

I do hope with all my being, that each one of you, will take a moment away from the cares of the world, and mesmerize yourself with the astounding treasure that the Heavens have gifted to us...

I wish all you you my beautiful, love, goodness, peace, and for tonight, especially reflections...

And open yourself to a world of possibilities...

OH, please do make a wish and blow...

May all your wishes and dreams transpire...

And, each fiber of making your wish and blow be carried to the Heavens above...

I shall say goodnight to all of you my beloved readers and I am so grateful for all of you...

You are all within my heart...

“What a lovely thing a rose is!"--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” 
― Maud Hart LovelaceBetsy-Tacy and Tib

“Reflect upon your present blessings -- of which every man has many -- not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” 
― Charles DickensA Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings

I love those who can smile in trouble,
who can gather strength from distress,
and grow brave by reflection.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Musical Selection: The Afters-"Life is Beautiful"
Enjoy the song and the reflections of life...

With all the love from my heart,

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

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