Back to California...San Francisco Bay Area

Yes, when I think of my beautiful Northern California...I think of roses...

For they are everywhere you go...

Oh, how I do miss stopping and adoring the moment to smell a rose...

I will be sure to get my fill when I get back to the land of my birth...

So for tonight I thought I would just write to all of you...I wanted to let you know I am going on this journey...only for eight days...but just in case I am so busy enjoying the delights of Northern California, I may not have time to write...

I may...but, I most likely will be quite busy...

Yet, I will be certain to take plenty of pictures of where I go...especially my most beloved "City by the Bay," San Francisco...

You know, we are quite active there with our "activism," and I hope to be a part for at least one event...

I am truly excited about going back...

I do love California...

Yet, Mexico has become my heart and my soul...

So, on a journey I shall go...

It is time for a journey...

And, going home is always a good journey...

So, I hope to be walking Ocean Beach in San Francisco...

...and the Embarcadero, which is the Bay Side...

Just being in the "vibe" of the City...

Oh, and of course, the ever famous and delightful, Golden Gate Park...

Sipping tea at the Japanese Tea Gardens...

I am really looking forward to seeing my best friend and my brother...

And, just being back in my California...

Stopping to smell all of the delightful roses that I can...

So before I leave, I send you this rose which is from the Central Valley of California (I hope to get there too!)

Enjoy each moment that passes, for that moment shall never pass again...

Until we meet again the most beautiful readers of beamthelightbethechange...

I send all of my love to all of you every moment...

Musical Selection: Journey--City by the Bay

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.