Amazon Workers on Strike Attacked by National Police

Well, I am ashamed, that I have ordered so much from Amazon...especially, for knowing about their worker's rights abuses, and the hard conditions that they work under. Low pay, long hours, little to no benefits, having to depend on governmental programs to put food on the table, and not having the right to organize, to defend basic worker's rights, are just a few of some of the abuses by Amazon toward's their workers.

It was just so easy for me to click, "buy"...especially due to my epilepsy when I could not get out, and finding products that I could not find else where. They have become the electronic equivalent of War-Mart...a company I have boycotted for years. Both Amazon, and Wal-Mart, have their hands all over the world.

My upbringing, due to my father's work as a Union Leader, taught me to defend worker's rights, and to never support any company that undermines worker's rights and dignity. And, especially to never cross a picket-line. This conditions are not only happening in Spain, but in the United States as well. I am certainly globally.

 So, it is time to put those beliefs back into motion with Amazon. I will now boycott Amazon, and just do with out, with what I think I need. 

So much of our consumerism, harms many worker's world wide, and companies, such as Amazon, put many small businesses out of the business world.  It is time for all of us to stop and think, before we buy, and who is REALLY, paying the price for what we think we need.

And, truly, why does one company, and the head and founder of that company, need so much money...why...when so many go without...?

With solidarity with Spain and for all worker's right's around the globe...

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Song: New Song for Worker's Rights by Eileen Torres

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