Smoke Signals - Trailer

Since, recently, the 4th of July passed, in the United States...the day of Independence, I think it is a good time, to reflect on the peoples, who suffered greatly, to create this nation.

It is estimated that over, 10,000,000 indigenous were killed over the years, of creating the United States, perhaps ever more. Those that did survive, were forced onto reservations, that were not their homelands, and at that time, the government and the settlers, thought was barren land. It was not, and today, the indigenous, and their lands, are still being exploited. And, sadly, racism and stereo typing is still rampant.

Around the 1900's, it was estimated that 30,000 indigenous remained, after this genocide, and, that in the 2010 Census, 52,000,00, indigenous were identified, as living in, what is now the United States one of my one points is that many, so many suffered, and still are suffering...due to the creation of the United States, for this reason, I choose not to celebrate.

Another fact, mostly forgotten, is that indigenous peoples still do exist in this nation...and not only, where casinos are,...most American Indians live on reservations...a fact that is so easily out of most peoples conciseness. Reservations, are in places that, are not visible to us, on a daily basis, so it is very easy to think...they no longer exist. Yet, they do. 

The indigenous have a very difficult time assimilating to modern life...their ways and their customs have existed for thousands and thousands of years...they have the right to not assimilate. 

I share this trailer with you, to remind all those of the United States, and of the world, that Native Americans are living here on these lands. Although, they are invisible to most..they are here. Parts of the movie contain stereo typical views, but it is to remind, the watchers, that these are stereo typical today still. The actors are indigenous to the land of what is now know as the United States. It is funny and sad...a film, I highly recommend. I hope you will enjoy, if you choose to watch it, one day, and that you remember, the original peoples.

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: Ly O Lay Ale Loya (Circle Dance)

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