CrossTalk: Apocalyptic Reaction
I have not been keeping up with the "news" lately, for several personal reasons, that I have been taking care of...I happened to see a video posted on Facebook about this summit, between President Vladimir Putin, of the Russian Federation, and President Donald Trump, of the United States of America. I think this is a very good thing that this has occurred.
Relations between Russia, and the United States, need to become united. It is not "treason," to begin diplomatic talks...this is the right thing to do. Barack Obama and his war mongering team, began this entire fiasco, along with all of the Russia Phobia, and the allegations of Russia interfering with the 2016 elections!!! Seriously, when is the United States, going to get over it's hypocritical hypocrisy!? And, the media is all over it!!!
"TREASON...ANTI-PATRIOTIC...IMPEACHMENT, RUSSIA IS THE ENEMY!!! I mean honestly, it is so unreal. And, both sides of the coin, are sending these messages, all over the "mainstream," media...Republicans and Democrats alike...and the people of the United States.
I find it all appalling. Why is there even discussion about the so-called, "Russian," did not happen, once again, I repeat, IT DID NOT HAPPEN. This is not my opinion, there is evidence, from the FBI, that this did not happen. Time to move on everyone...
Treason, for being diplomatic!? Wow, it is diplomacy, that calls for mutual understanding, and for peace. So, now diplomatic relations, are treasonous?...unbelievable. Can't make money off of peace...
ANTI-PATRIOTIC, I won't even waste my time on that one. IMPEACHMENT...not going there as well. "RUSSIA IS THE ENEMY," I will go is Russia our enemy, when President Putin, has always referred to the as United States, "our friends?"
Russia, has not made one single aggressive act, towards the United States, and, they would have the right to do so, if they ever did. It is quite the opposite for the USA. We are the aggressors. The entire country of Russia, on land, sea, and air, is surrounded, by all branches, of the United States Military. And, there have been many attempts, by the US Military, to instigate acts of war toward Russia. How does Russia respond? With their military ships, and planes, making no aggressive act, they maneuver the aggressors away from Russian zones.
So, I ask you, who is the aggressor...and why is Russia, "our enemy.? If you bring up Crimea, or the Ukraine as an excuse, you completely have the facts wrong, about what actually, did happen. If you bring up the fact, that Putin, was in the KGB, this automatically makes him,"evil?" What about our horrific CIA!? Putin is an oppressor to this group of peoples or that group of peoples, and what about the United States!!!???
It truly, is time for the United States, to grow up, to accept responsibility, for it's international crimes, and, to become a diplomatic country, and to, put an end of being, the bullies, and the attitude, of being the righteous of the world.
The fact that Syria is being discussed, as well, is being stated as, another, treasonous act. And, the responsibility, that the United States, has, to help rebuild Syria. This is due to, the United States, not only instigating this war, but also creating and funding, the "terrorists" factions, fighting to overthrow, Syrian President Al-Bashar Assad, which, was what the United States wanted from the very beginning. It did not happen. Syria and her allies were victorious. Al-Bashar Assad is the legally elected leader of a sovereign nation. Wanting to be sovereign, means, to be an enemy of the United States.
So, this meeting in Helsinki, is an awesome act, and it is much needed. No matter, what I think, of Donald Trump, as our president, his reaching out his hand, in diplomacy, is very honorable. And, he is also, upholding a campaign promise. How many years has it been, since a president, of the United States, upheld a campaign promise?
Donald Trump cannot win for losing or losing for win...he is beholden, by both parties, when he bombs Syria for false allegations...he is demonized, by both parties, when he reaches for peace. Perhaps, Barack Obama held the torch, for peace, but I cannot recall, but he certainly made the calls for war and more killing.
Enough said, with the exception, stop being so ridiculous United States, the Government, the media, and the people...just stop.
With peace and love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
A few post scripts that I would like to add:
I did not vote for Donald Trump.
I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican.
I do not support most of Donald Trump's policies, especially on immigration.
I do support the fact that he does want diplomacy with countries that we need to repair relations.
I do not support that he is not doing this with all the countries that the United States call our "enemies."
I do not condone his outrageous behaviors present and in the past.
I do not support his hypocrisy and his ignorance.
I voted for Barack Obama for his first term.
I am ashamed, that I voted for him in the second term. I wanted to vote green, but my fear of Mitt Romney winning, swayed me into voting for Barack Obama. At this point, I was realizing just what kind of man, and President, he truly was...and what he did under his presidency, as far as foreign policy and immigration are shameful. And, another man of hypocrisy.
I am speaking positively of Donald Trump on this issue alone, and it one of great importance, and if he sidesteps backwards on this diplomatic act, as well as others, it will be due to all of the pressure put on him leaders of both parties, by the Pentagon, by the CIA, and all interested parties in endless war...for the bottom line, war makes money, war gives the perception of control and domination...war is sadly, now making us who we are.
Despite the fact that we have literally destroyed, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, along with brutally murdering their leader, Muammar al-Kadafi, and in the process of destroying Yemen, Somalia, and doing our best to do so in Pakistan.
And, despite the fact, that we are giving billions of tax-payer's money, to support Israel in it's destruction of Palestine. Despite the fact, that millions of refugees have been created, countless dead, soldiers killed, and soldiers returning home distraught, forever changed, and many suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. So many suffering families of the worn ruined countries and the families of United States Military personnel.
As well as, our continued aggression toward Russia, North Korea, China, Venezuela, Central America, wanting to instigate a war, with Iran, and overthrowing countless leaders of sovereign nations, who benefit their people, only to install, the real dictators, and the puppets of the United States. All of our aggression, is about greed, for resources, for control, for domination, and for power. It certainly, has nothing to do, with "protecting our freedom," nor with "spreading Democracy." All of these, which are fallacies, and all, only about destruction.
So there are my post scripts...
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For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
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So true, Maria.