League of Denial (full film) | FRONTLINE

I just finished watching this amazing film by Frontline. It is in regard to the huge problem of the National Football Leagues denial to accept the impact that playing American Football has upon its players. This film even goes into finding of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, CTE, in a player as young as 18 years old.

I am posting this because, this is not just an American Football issue, it is a worldwide issue, for players of any sports that has head and body contact. But, what is often lost, in the news of sports players and concussions, and CTE, is the fact, that even non-athletes, are also at risk for this disease. 

Yes, I was an athlete for many, many years myself, even playing American Football. I was an avid cyclist for most of my life, but had to stop in my late 40´s, because repetitive head trauma was causing me, to have serious falls, while cycling.

The cause of the falls was uncontrolled epilepsy. So, there are also people like myself, who fall so much, that we too are affected by not only Traumatic Brain Injury, but possibly, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, as well. 

I love American Football, love it. Yet, also, the most popular sport in the world, Soccer or also called football or fútbol, there are a great number of players who suffer from brain injury. So, this is not just about the National Football Leagues problem and the players family, it is other athletes,  and other peoples whom, as well, are affected greatly from the debilitating diseases and traumas to the brain.

It is good to be aware of any person suffering any form of a brain disorder and to understand their silent pain and their silent sufferings.

With great love to all,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

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