THE BOY WHO HARNESSED THE WIND Trailer (2019) Netflix Movie
This is an incredible film. I took a break from watching it to write. I had an idea come to my mind the other night and this film is inspiring me to write about it finally.
The world is going through a crisis right now. Yet, there have been many countries, such as in Africa, Latin American, the Caribbean, and the Middle East who face severe and dire crisis on a daily basis.
Now that the Western world is having to face a crisis unprecedented since the Second World War and the Great Depression, the Covid is giving the West a glimpse of what suffering is.
There are things that you can do within your communities to help one another, no matter where you live, the poor from your homes and your neighborhoods. Gardens will be coming into fruition and there is always an abundance of vegetables, especially squash.
Having lived in California all of my life, fruits trees are in abundance in the yards of many families and the majority of the fruit falls to the ground and rots. It is such a great waste, when there are people that go hungry in this world and people who will be going hungry in your communities if this situation does not change soon.
Many neighborhoods have community newsletters. Begin to organize and if you have fruit trees and vegetables from your garden work collectively to share. Now, is a good time to begin to plant if you do not have a garden. Order what you need online and begin a garden and plant extra so that you may help others.
What your community does not use, then call your nearest food banks and churches that distribute food and donate what you can. Go out to those fruit trees and collect the lemons, oranges, apples, pears, plums, etc. and make them part of your neighborhood collective or donate them. Food banks are always in a shortage and it will be worse with the Corona virus. There will be more people in need than ever.
This is the Western world's opportunity to work together and depend on each other and to reach out and help others. Westerners are so accustomed to running to the grocery store were there has always been an abundance of food. This year will be different so why not being to prepare and begin to become more self-sufficient and helping others at the same time.
Remember, that, as I stated earlier, there are peoples of many nations, who face challenges we cannot even begin to imagine daily. Well, it is time for the West to rise up and learn to live what it is like for others and to do all that we can to ease the situation for as many as we can.
Do not let that fruit fall and rot, get out there and grow for your family and for others, work together. Become better neighbors and citizens, not only of your own country, but a better world citizen as well. You are home now, many are home now, so there is no excuse if you are able to get out even with a small patch of dirt. If you do not have patches of dirt then use crates or whatever you can to create a garden.
Becoming self sufficient is a good thing and it is healthy. This is an opportunity for the Western world to reach out, help yourselves, and help others. Work with your communities and your food banks. Offer free fruit in front of your homes, whatever it takes. Do not let this confine us to non action, use this as a time for action. Do not fear. For fear will only deter you from doing what you can do.
I hope that you will watch this trailer and then find the movie and watch it. It will wake you up and it will hopefully give you inspiration, and to realize, just how fortunate most of the West is. And, remember, that we do have poor and many. Do not let them to suffer. Please reach out and do all that you can.
With great love, hope, peace, and love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selections: Reach Out and Make the World a Better Place
A Better Place/Playing for Change/Song Around the World
"Ngati Mphepo Yofika Konse" - "God is as the wind which touches everything"
Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden
Just to note, abc NEWS is owned by the Walt Disney Company and makes "political donations," to presidential candidates.
I have to be honest before writing, I did not watch this video before posting it. I have two reasons, one, I cannot bare to watch the hideousness of mainstream media, and number two, I cannot stomach, Joe Biden, nor Hillary Clinton.
I wanted to post the article from RT, but unfortunately, it only comes out as the https address and no headline nor picture. So, I had to look elsewhere.
I wanted to post this "breaking" news, but not surprising, pathetic yes, but not surprising because, I find it so incredibly absurd, that Hillary Clinton, just cannot stay out of the political arena!!! But, I am certain, with the Democratic Party ensuring that they got there boy, Joe Biden to "win" the nomination, does it not follow that, of course, Hillary was a part of the plan.
I am nearly 100 percent certain that she will run as his Vice Presidential candidate, although seriously Dems, Joe Biden is bad enough, but still keeping Hillary in the game!? What a frightening pair!
These two would have us in hot war with Russia in no time, I am sure they are already making plans. Hillary was chomping, I mean chomping to get in there and invade Russia, if she had won the presidency, last time around. Trump is no prize, but he has kept us out of a hot war with Russia. He doesn't want a hot war with Russia. Why do you think he tried to reach out the diplomatic hand?
Do you truly believe in the Russia Gate idiocy!? Boo hoo Hilary lost and the story was created that Russia had "interfered," with the elections to help Trump win. I mean honestly! The United States is the greatest offender of election interference whether at home or internationally. Poor Hillary, she just plain lost of her own volition.
I just want to share one thing, about Hillary Clinton, before I complete this writing, although, I could share many, I will share this one thing that I would say, the majority of the world has no idea about. This is just to show what kind of person that she truly is. Not a good one.
During the years of the Bill Clinton administration, of course, Hillary had her post in the Oval Office. She meddled in a bit of everything. One thing that she had done, was to dump surplus rice produced by US farmers onto Haiti. At this time, Haiti, was producing plenty of its own rice in the countryside of the country.
Then this US surplus gets dumped, nose diving the prices of Haiti rice, thus deeply affecting the lives of the farmers and their families. They could not survive on the price that was being paid for their rice. These farmers and their families were forced to move and find work. Where is most of the work to be had in most countries, large cities, and in poor countries? It is most often the capital of the country. And, Ms. Hillary, knew exactly what she was doing and how it would affect the people of Haiti.
So, thousands fled to the capital city of Port-Au- Prince. Many having to live in shanty housing with little to no support of any kind, the housing that is. So, in 2010, hits a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. "Haiti had not been hit by an earthquake of such enormity since the 18th century, the closest in force being a 1984 shock of magnitude 6.9."
This earthquake had caused so much damage and deaths, especially, in Port-Au-Prince.
Once of the reasons, that the devastation was so great, was because of the thousands that were forced to live in sub-conditions in an already crowded city. The shabby housing had collapsed causing untold devastation. "It was estimated that some three million people were affected by the quake—nearly one-third of the country’s total population. Of these, over one million were left homeless in the immediate aftermath."
Yes, even without, the dumping of US rice surpluses by Hillary Clinton upon Haiti, the earthquake and devastation would have occurred, but not at the levels that had occurred. Haiti was already in a state of ruin with so many be forced to move from their livelihoods and lives in the countryside, and the earthquake just furthered it. And, the action of this one woman, Hillary Clinton, caused the ruin of thousands, thousands.
I learned this when I was attending the University of the Pacific as an adult, during a public lecture, put on by the University. I even had some conversations about this with various professors. So, the story is true, but I am sure your will find no news of this if you were to search for it.
So, if you want a woman like this to be taking part in politics once again, I would think of examining your conscious. This is my advice to you. Thank you for reading.
With great love and peace to all,
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam
Just to let you know, that the determination of the Haiti people was strong. And, after the earthquake, many people were living in tent housing in Port-Au-Prince. After some time, people begin having conversations about how they could return to their homes in the country side and begin a new life.
They decided to form cooperatives and grow crops that they could survive on so people years after the earthquake began moving back to their farming. So this is good news to share. Bless the determination of the people of Haiti.
CrossTalk Bullhorns | QUARANTINE EDITION | Crude Collapse
First to remind you that YouTube states via Wikipedia, "
This is a great discussion. I am pretty amazed by what the Norwegian profesor talks about US oil production of shale oil as a "miracle," that made the United States Oil
independent once again.
The production of shale oil did not make the US oil independent obviously, with continuous wars and attempts of government coups, this did not make the US oil independent. Also, there is so much controversy over the production of shale oil and its impact upon the environment. So, the industry, has been faced with lawsuits and many protests.
Oil shale can be extracted via surface, underground, or "in-situ" mining, in which kerogen is heated underground and pumped to the surface. All these techniques demand significantly more energy than what's required for conventional liquid oil, producing more air and global warming pollution as a result.
Water pollution is another concern, as spills, leaks, and runoff from mining operations may interfere with groundwater supplies. And when extracted oil is shipped to refineries for processing, the trucks, trains, and pipelines that transport it introduce their own environmental impacts.
"Just 10% Of Shale Oil Companies Are Cash Flow Positive"
"With negative cash flows, shale companies have historically relied on bond markets to finance their operations. Without additional funding and any debt refinancing, capex would have to be cut."
But, Peter and Dmitry put into perspective, the reality of not just shale oil production, but oil overall and the hegemony that goes hand in hand with oil. Through what I have stated many times on my blog, through war, governmental take overs or attempts, strangulating sanctions over oil rich countries who choose not to play by US and Western hegemonic games that reek havoc and devastation, including the implantation of biological warfare through the Covid-19.
The only solution to the end of an oil dominated world is one, the end of the United States and its allies in is continuos attempts to control the world's oil and two, for all major countries to begin the shift of oil dependency to energy sources that are earth and world friendly, and that are completely possible to create, harness, and achieve. The world needs to be ready for this and hopefully, this collapse and the impacts of the Covid-19 that were leashed will begin to shift the world from oil to clean energy and a better world for All.
Sending all the world peace, health, and hope during this time of crisis for all,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Another powerful song about empowerment. Empowerment is what we need and this girl has it down! We need to get it down too...
2Pac - Changes ft. Talent
Tupac was real. He was a poet, an intellectual, and a profound thinker. He was also very prophetic. I read a book of his poems and they were incredible.
I thought I would use this song just for us to remember that we are the ones that need to make the changes and not allow any entity to make the changes for us. WE MUST BE THE CHANGE THAT WE WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD...GHANDI
Even during this time of world crisis, it is up to US to make the changes needed in this world...
Yes, the Covid-19 is Real, but as Usual, it is About the Oil and Money!
I will use the color red to write this post, for two reasons, firstly, the man in the picture opposite, is so full, of pure, red blood upon his hands, and secondly, the blood of people´s lives lost, due to pure greed and evil.
I will do my best to write this post with as much fact I can use and also, the factual knowledge that my brain holds, and that my intuition contains. I am not feeling very well right now, no, not due to the virus, but due to my chronic health condition, so please bare with me.
Yes, as the title states, the Covid-19 is real, but it is being used as a weapon for many things. The usual, oil and money, reasons to weaponize and send more soldiers globally, control of the people through isolation and law enforcement, giving false information and false death tolls due to the virus, censorship of all kinds, control of the out of control economy, all kinds of deals with poor countries by the IMF and the World Bank pulling them further into debt, less travel, due to bans, meaning less oil consumption, which the price had been dropping like bombs over Yemen, a way to protect the oil rich!? What else...
OH, of course, the mass media going on like a three ring circus, with all of the Covid news going 24/7 to homebound people who already soak up most of what they are being fed. Now, even more time to feed them more. People will be believing more in the good that is disguise as the bad and the bad who really are the good. Take China, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, all of who are taking part in helping all of the world in combating the Covid-19, not in combating the world literally with military threats and actions.
So why I am I saying this is about oil...? Like I said oil prices were being dropped by Russia purposely to help the Chinese and Venezuelan economies as well as other, Russia had been discussing breaking away from OPEC control over a year ago, continued failed coup attempts over Venezuela, the second oil richest country in the world. Failed wars to gain control over the world's oil or the access to it. What is it that Henry Kissinger said..."Control oil and you control nations, control food and you control the people." Ba boom!!!
The West has been failing miserably, to control the world's oil, though military force and overthrowing governments, such as Gadafi´s Libya, we could even go as far back as Tito´s Yugoslavia. And, attempting to overthrow governments, as Syria and Venezuela, the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. "So hey, let us begin some biological warfare." Sounds like it could be out of Dr. Strangelove, with Peter Sellars using a sinister, evilish, voice in saying this. But, the sad truth of it is, it is truth.
Also, the truth is, that the plan to begin biological warfare, against nations that are attempting to trade, in manners without force and war, to live in harmony with other nations, to work together to for the betterment of humanity, to become a different world, is not going quite as planned as the West had hoped. It is running a bit out of control, yet they are doing their very best, to do all that they can, to ensure, that this sinister plan, will succeed as planned. There are some articles that I have posted below that can explain some of the ways how.
Now, with people running out of money, no work, no leaving to work, how can one eat. Well, if one is fortunate enough to be receiving a regular pension or some other funds, then you can eat, but many are finding it harder and harder as the days go by. Most especially, the poorest countries and communities of the world, even in so-called rich countries such as the US, poor communities will be suffering more than ever. So, now there is already the beginnings of food control, Amazon is making more profit than ever, so already mega corporations will be making more, and who knows what the United States government will do, but somehow work it through corporations or government food bonds and corporations will be the gainers.
I am certain that countries such as Russia and China will do all that it can to help with the world food supply without gain for wealth, but for gain for a world that will overcome this current global crisis.
The world will overcome and not due to those involved in creating the crisis in the first place, for their interests are purely, for their very own preservation. Let the many of world die and starve, isn't that part of the plan anyhow?
We have no problem with the killing of innocents. We do it daily, through war, so why not a pandemia as well. "Hey, the people let us get away with horrendous crimes of war, war itself is a crime, but the people don't seem to mind, they carry on daily, well not now, but we have been using their tax money, their 401 K´s, pension plans, stock shares, to pay for war, now, we will have more control than ever"! Well, so they think! I think not.
I know I can write so much more, but for now, it is all I can squeeze out of this poor, damaged brain of mine, that is doing, all that it can, to be on the mend. I promise!
I will post some really good articles with this to help explain further, for I know I could, as I said, write so much more, but the brain must rest. I do hope that, at least, I have planted some food for thought.
I will do my best to write this post with as much fact I can use and also, the factual knowledge that my brain holds, and that my intuition contains. I am not feeling very well right now, no, not due to the virus, but due to my chronic health condition, so please bare with me.
Yes, as the title states, the Covid-19 is real, but it is being used as a weapon for many things. The usual, oil and money, reasons to weaponize and send more soldiers globally, control of the people through isolation and law enforcement, giving false information and false death tolls due to the virus, censorship of all kinds, control of the out of control economy, all kinds of deals with poor countries by the IMF and the World Bank pulling them further into debt, less travel, due to bans, meaning less oil consumption, which the price had been dropping like bombs over Yemen, a way to protect the oil rich!? What else...
OH, of course, the mass media going on like a three ring circus, with all of the Covid news going 24/7 to homebound people who already soak up most of what they are being fed. Now, even more time to feed them more. People will be believing more in the good that is disguise as the bad and the bad who really are the good. Take China, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, all of who are taking part in helping all of the world in combating the Covid-19, not in combating the world literally with military threats and actions.
So why I am I saying this is about oil...? Like I said oil prices were being dropped by Russia purposely to help the Chinese and Venezuelan economies as well as other, Russia had been discussing breaking away from OPEC control over a year ago, continued failed coup attempts over Venezuela, the second oil richest country in the world. Failed wars to gain control over the world's oil or the access to it. What is it that Henry Kissinger said..."Control oil and you control nations, control food and you control the people." Ba boom!!!
The West has been failing miserably, to control the world's oil, though military force and overthrowing governments, such as Gadafi´s Libya, we could even go as far back as Tito´s Yugoslavia. And, attempting to overthrow governments, as Syria and Venezuela, the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. "So hey, let us begin some biological warfare." Sounds like it could be out of Dr. Strangelove, with Peter Sellars using a sinister, evilish, voice in saying this. But, the sad truth of it is, it is truth.
Also, the truth is, that the plan to begin biological warfare, against nations that are attempting to trade, in manners without force and war, to live in harmony with other nations, to work together to for the betterment of humanity, to become a different world, is not going quite as planned as the West had hoped. It is running a bit out of control, yet they are doing their very best, to do all that they can, to ensure, that this sinister plan, will succeed as planned. There are some articles that I have posted below that can explain some of the ways how.
Now, with people running out of money, no work, no leaving to work, how can one eat. Well, if one is fortunate enough to be receiving a regular pension or some other funds, then you can eat, but many are finding it harder and harder as the days go by. Most especially, the poorest countries and communities of the world, even in so-called rich countries such as the US, poor communities will be suffering more than ever. So, now there is already the beginnings of food control, Amazon is making more profit than ever, so already mega corporations will be making more, and who knows what the United States government will do, but somehow work it through corporations or government food bonds and corporations will be the gainers.
I am certain that countries such as Russia and China will do all that it can to help with the world food supply without gain for wealth, but for gain for a world that will overcome this current global crisis.
The world will overcome and not due to those involved in creating the crisis in the first place, for their interests are purely, for their very own preservation. Let the many of world die and starve, isn't that part of the plan anyhow?
We have no problem with the killing of innocents. We do it daily, through war, so why not a pandemia as well. "Hey, the people let us get away with horrendous crimes of war, war itself is a crime, but the people don't seem to mind, they carry on daily, well not now, but we have been using their tax money, their 401 K´s, pension plans, stock shares, to pay for war, now, we will have more control than ever"! Well, so they think! I think not.
I know I can write so much more, but for now, it is all I can squeeze out of this poor, damaged brain of mine, that is doing, all that it can, to be on the mend. I promise!
I will post some really good articles with this to help explain further, for I know I could, as I said, write so much more, but the brain must rest. I do hope that, at least, I have planted some food for thought.
Take care of yourselves everyone and pray for all of the world to make it through and together we will.
With great love and peace,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
I highly recommend reading as many as the articles as you can that I have posted. I know that there are many and I want to organize and categorize them to help you understand the reasoning and logic, but my brain is now at a standstill. So sorry.
Musical Selections: Changes, 2 Pac feat. Talent
Treat You That Way: LS Lane
Let There Be Peace on Earth - Harlem Boys' Choir
An incredibly moving and beautiful song. It is most lovely done by the Harlem Boys Choir. It is breathtaking.
May all the world have peace. And let it begin with ourselves for then it shall spread like seeds in the wind.
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme=
Traduzione Mary J Blige Each Tear ft Tiziano Ferro
Ho pubblicato questa canzone solo di recente. Vorrei pubblicarlo di nuovo con i sottotitoli in italiano, perché questo è SOLO per te, la mia amata Italia!
I have posted this song just recently. I wish to post it again with Italian subtitles, for this is JUST especially for you my beloved Italy!
Con grande affetto,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People) ღ Aloha Ke Akua
Medicine to help us all get through this time of the pandemia.
US Empire Exploits COVID-19 For More War
My jaw is still dropped after watching this powerful and profound episode of Abbey Martin´s "Empire Files."
Much of this, of what she reports, I have known, but some of it, it new, but not surprising. It is shocking and mind blowing to conceive that these actions are occurring, especially during these dire times of Covid, globally.
One, thing, that I did not know, that the media and politicians are calling Covid, formerly called, the "Chinese Virus," is being blamed as a strategic move by "Communist China." UNREAL!!!
The true perpetrators of the Covid, the United States, are doing what they are experts at, and of course, blaming their appalling and horrifying crimes on other countries or entities.
So true to their plan, I am certain, they are using the Covid as a weapon of many manners. Many of which, Abbey Martin does a brilliant job at exposing.
I could write so much about how I am feeling right now about all of this, but it would be a lot and it would not be pretty. So, Abbey will be the one.
I will say just a few more things, firstly, I hope all are well and those who are not, please know, that those who are doing all that they can to ensure that the world will come out for the better after this pandemia passes, will prevail. There is hope. Please do not despair. This is a time for all to reach out to each other.
All I see are ads on Youtube say, "stay safe, stay home." What else are they telling you, now that so many are at home, what news are you watching, what dumb you down programs are you watching?
I can only hope that you are also educating yourself for the better by watching show such as the Empire Files and watching news that is showing you the good that the world is doing in fighting the pandemia. Not, including the United States.
Where I am living, people are out and about, and they are not wearing masks. People are conducting their daily business. People are hugging and socializing. No, there isn't as much activity as before, but life has not come to a halt and I hope that it does not, because people are fine here. There are cases, but, not enough to keep everyone inside.
Abbey states that 53 nations worldwide, are calling for a ceasefire to all war, at this time. Many nations are calling for deadly economic sanctions, being put upon and that are put upon many countries globally, to be put on holt. Yet, the US is ramping sanctions.
Countries, such as China, Russia, Cuba, Iran, and perhaps others, are sending aid globally, which the US is calling propaganda!? NO, it is called SOLIDARITY and GOODNESS. It is what we are suppose to be doing as a world.
Let us hope, after this pandemia passes, that the world will learn for the better, both collectively and individually, that we need to live in a world that lives cooperatively and not competitively. A world that lives for one another, and not just for one. A world, that will put an end to war, hunger, and greed, that we learn that our only answer is to be one with each other.
Sending all of you great peace, love, and especially hope,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selections: "One Day" Matusyahu and
Dionne Warwick - That's What Friends Are For
What a great classic song! This is a wonderful song to show us that we can be there for each other through these times we are now facing.
Reach out to others. It is so very important.
Sending love to all,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Mary J. Blige - Each Tear (Italian Version) ft. Tiziano Ferro
Another song, to give us hope, during these trying times for so many. So, allow the words, to sink not only, into your brain, but mainly into your heart.
This pandemia, that is currently dominating everything, in this world today, we can still keep our heads up and keep strong, and know that so many, around the globe, go through harder times, each and every single day.
For many of us in the Western World, this level of difficulty and suffering, is something new. So we can get through this...remember. "WE CAN´T BE HELD DOWN."
This song is especially posted for Italy, as I have stated before, my greatest fans, and who have been suffering greatly as well. Tiziano Ferro is an awesome Italian singer, whom, I have listened to for years. So this is for you Italy!!!
Questo è per te l'Italia!
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (Official Music Video)
Nothing is going to stop to good, from overcoming this world crisis, the Covid-19!
¨We can stand together!"
FtS 20-03: Chinese Delegation of Medical Specialists Arrived in Vzla
And, here is one more for today. We must keep up the hope, because the hope is there, and nothing will stop it. The good shall prevail. I can feel it in my bones.
Peace and love to all of you around the world,
and keep up the hope!
Maria Joan Juarez Beam
Russia Sends Humanitarian Aid To The US
Another part I can play, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, is not only post wonderful songs to help get us through, but I can also post, some of the very positive things, that countries around the world are doing to help countries in need.
I won't say much, I will allow the short videos to say it all. And, during this global crisis, we can know that there is good in this world, and the good will be what will put an end to the pandemic.
Sending all of my love and thought to all the world, Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam
SwingStar "Has Amado a una Mujer de Veras" (2013)
Here is another beautiful song to share with all.
Please stay health, happy, and positive.
With all of my love, Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
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