US Empire Exploits COVID-19 For More War

My jaw is still dropped after watching this powerful and profound episode of Abbey Martin´s "Empire Files."

Much of this, of what she reports, I have known, but some of it, it new, but not surprising. It is shocking and mind blowing to conceive that these actions are occurring, especially during these dire times of Covid, globally.

One, thing, that I did not know, that the media and politicians are calling Covid, formerly called, the "Chinese Virus," is being blamed as a strategic move by "Communist China." UNREAL!!! 

The true perpetrators of the Covid, the United States, are doing what they are experts at, and of course, blaming their appalling and horrifying crimes on other countries or entities.

So true to their plan, I am certain, they are using the Covid as a weapon of many manners. Many of which, Abbey Martin does a brilliant job at exposing.

I could write so much about how I am feeling right now about all of this, but it would be a lot and it would not be pretty. So, Abbey will be the one.

I will say just a few more things, firstly, I hope all are well and those who are not, please know, that those who are doing all that they can to ensure that the world will come out for the better after this pandemia passes, will prevail. There is hope. Please do not despair. This is a time for all to reach out to each other.

All I see are ads on Youtube say, "stay safe, stay home." What else are they telling you, now that so many are at home, what news are you watching, what dumb you down programs are you watching? 
I can only hope that you are also educating yourself for the better by watching show such as the Empire Files and watching news that is showing you the good that the world is doing in fighting the pandemia. Not, including the United States.

Where I am living, people are out and about, and they are not wearing masks. People are conducting their daily business. People are hugging and socializing. No, there isn't as much activity as before, but life has not come to a halt and I hope that it does not, because people are fine here. There are cases, but, not enough to keep everyone inside. 

Abbey states that 53 nations worldwide, are calling for a ceasefire to all war, at this time. Many nations are calling for deadly economic sanctions, being put upon and that are put upon many countries globally, to be put on holt. Yet, the US is ramping sanctions. 

Countries, such as China, Russia, Cuba, Iran, and perhaps others, are sending aid globally, which the US is calling propaganda!? NO, it is called SOLIDARITY and GOODNESS. It is what we are suppose to be doing as a world.

Let us hope, after this pandemia passes, that the world will learn for the better, both collectively and individually, that we need to live in a world that lives cooperatively and not competitively. A world that lives for one another, and not just for one. A world, that will put an end to war, hunger, and greed, that we learn that our only answer is to be one with each other.

Sending all of you great peace, love, and especially hope,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selections: "One Day" Matusyahu and 

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