Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden

Just to note, abc NEWS is owned by the Walt Disney Company and makes "political donations," to presidential candidates. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Broadcasting_Company


I have to be honest before writing, I did not watch this video before posting it. I have two reasons, one, I cannot bare to watch the hideousness of mainstream media, and number two, I cannot stomach, Joe Biden, nor Hillary Clinton. 

I wanted to post the article from RT, but unfortunately, it only comes out as the https address and no headline nor picture. So, I had to look elsewhere. 

I wanted to post this "breaking" news, but not surprising, pathetic yes, but not surprising because, I find it so incredibly absurd, that Hillary Clinton, just cannot stay out of the political arena!!! But, I am certain, with the Democratic Party ensuring that they got there boy, Joe Biden to "win" the nomination, does it not follow that, of course, Hillary was a part of the plan.

I am nearly 100 percent certain that she will run as his Vice Presidential candidate, although seriously Dems, Joe Biden is bad enough, but still keeping Hillary in the game!? What a frightening pair!

These two would have us in hot war with Russia in no time, I am sure they are already making plans. Hillary was chomping, I mean chomping to get in there and invade Russia, if she had won the presidency, last time around. Trump is no prize, but he has kept us out of a hot war with Russia. He doesn't want a hot war with Russia. Why do you think he tried to reach out the diplomatic hand?

Do you truly believe in the Russia Gate idiocy!? Boo hoo Hilary lost and the story was created that Russia had "interfered," with the elections to help Trump win. I mean honestly! The United States is the greatest offender of election interference whether at home or internationally. Poor Hillary, she just plain lost of her own volition. 

I just want to share one thing, about Hillary Clinton, before I complete this writing, although, I could share many, I will share this one thing that I would say, the majority of the world has no idea about. This is just to show what kind of person that she truly is. Not a good one.

During the years of the Bill Clinton administration, of course, Hillary had her post in the Oval Office. She meddled in a bit of everything. One thing that she had done, was to dump surplus rice produced by US farmers onto Haiti. At this time, Haiti, was producing plenty of its own rice in the countryside of the country. 

Then this US surplus gets dumped, nose diving the prices of Haiti rice, thus deeply affecting the lives of the farmers and their families. They could not survive on the price that was being paid for their rice. These farmers and their families were forced to move and find work. Where is most of the work to be had in most countries, large cities, and in poor countries? It is most often the capital of the country. And, Ms. Hillary, knew exactly what she was doing and how it would affect the people of Haiti.

So, thousands fled to the capital city of Port-Au- Prince. Many having to live in shanty housing with little to no support of any kind, the housing that is. So, in 2010, hits a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. "Haiti had not been hit by an earthquake of such enormity since the 18th century, the closest in force being a 1984 shock of magnitude 6.9." https://www.britannica.com/event/2010-Haiti-earthquake

This earthquake had caused so much damage and deaths, especially, in Port-Au-Prince. 
Once of the reasons, that the devastation was so great, was because of the thousands that were forced to live in sub-conditions in an already crowded city. The shabby housing had collapsed causing untold devastation. "It was estimated that some three million people were affected by the quake—nearly one-third of the country’s total population. Of these, over one million were left homeless in the immediate aftermath." https://www.britannica.com/event/2010-Haiti-earthquake

Yes, even without, the dumping of US rice surpluses by Hillary Clinton upon Haiti, the earthquake and devastation would have occurred, but not at the levels that had occurred. Haiti was already in a state of ruin with so many be forced to move from their livelihoods and lives in the countryside, and the earthquake just furthered it. And, the action of this one woman, Hillary Clinton, caused the ruin of thousands, thousands.

I learned this when I was attending the University of the Pacific as an adult, during a public lecture, put on by the University. I even had some conversations about this with various professors. So, the story is true, but I am sure your will find no news of this if you were to search for it.

So, if you want a woman like this to be taking part in politics once again, I would think of examining your conscious. This is my advice to you. Thank you for reading.

With great love and peace to all,

Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam

Just to let you know, that the determination of the Haiti people was strong. And, after the earthquake, many people were living in tent housing in Port-Au-Prince. After some time, people begin having conversations about how they could return to their homes in the country side and begin a new life. 

They decided to form cooperatives and grow crops that they could survive on so people years after the earthquake began moving back to their farming. So this is good news to share. Bless the determination of the people of Haiti.

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