Yes, the Covid-19 is Real, but as Usual, it is About the Oil and Money!

I will use the color red to write this post, for two reasons, firstly, the man in the picture opposite, is so full, of pure, red blood upon his hands, and secondly, the blood of people´s lives lost, due to pure greed and evil. 

I will do my best to write this post with as much fact I can use and also, the factual knowledge that my brain holds, and that my intuition contains. I am not feeling very well right now, no, not due to the virus, but due to my chronic health condition, so please bare with me. 

Yes, as the title states, the Covid-19 is real, but it is being used as a weapon for many things. The usual, oil and money, reasons to weaponize and send more soldiers globally, control of the people through isolation and law enforcement, giving false information and false death tolls due to the virus, censorship of all kinds, control of the out of control economy, all kinds of deals with poor countries by the IMF and the World Bank pulling them further into debt, less travel, due to bans, meaning less oil consumption, which the price had been dropping like bombs over Yemen, a way to protect the oil rich!? What else...

OH, of course, the mass media going on like a three ring circus, with all of the Covid news going 24/7 to homebound people who already soak up most of what they are being fed. Now, even more time to feed them more. People will be believing more in the good that is disguise as the bad and the bad who really are the good. Take China, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, all of who are taking part in helping all of the world in combating the Covid-19, not in combating the world literally with military threats and actions.

So why I am I saying this is about oil...? Like I said oil prices were being dropped by Russia purposely to help the Chinese and Venezuelan economies as well as other, Russia had been discussing breaking away from OPEC control over a year ago, continued failed coup attempts over Venezuela, the second oil richest country in the world. Failed wars to gain control over the world's oil or the access to it. What is it that Henry Kissinger said..."Control oil and you control nations, control food and you control the people." Ba boom!!!

The West has been failing miserably, to control the  world's oil, though military force and overthrowing governments, such as Gadafi´s Libya, we could even go as far back as Tito´s Yugoslavia. And, attempting to overthrow governments, as Syria and Venezuela, the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. "So hey, let us begin some biological warfare." Sounds like it could be out of Dr. Strangelove, with Peter Sellars using a sinister, evilish, voice in saying this. But, the sad truth of it is, it is truth.

Also, the truth is, that the plan to begin biological warfare, against nations that are attempting to trade, in manners without force and war, to live in harmony with other nations, to work together to for the betterment of humanity, to become a different world, is not going quite as planned as the West had hoped. It is running a bit out of control, yet they are doing their very best, to do all that they can, to ensure, that this sinister plan, will succeed as planned. There are some articles that I have posted below that can explain some of the ways how.

Now, with people running out of money, no work, no leaving to work, how can one eat. Well, if one is fortunate enough to be receiving a regular pension or some other funds, then you can eat, but many are finding it harder and harder as the days go by. Most especially, the poorest countries and communities of the world, even in so-called rich countries such as the US, poor communities will be suffering more than ever. So, now there is already the beginnings of food control, Amazon is making more profit than ever, so already mega corporations will be making more, and who knows what the United States government will do, but somehow work it through corporations or government food bonds and corporations will be the gainers. 

I am certain that countries such as Russia and  China will do all that it can to help with the world food supply without gain for wealth, but for gain for a world that will overcome this current global crisis. 

The world will overcome and not due to those involved in creating the crisis in the first place, for their interests are purely, for their very own preservation. Let the many of world die and starve, isn't that part of the plan anyhow? 

We have no problem with the killing of innocents. We do it daily, through war, so why not a pandemia as well. "Hey, the people let us get away with horrendous crimes of war, war itself is a crime, but the people don't seem to mind, they carry on daily, well not now, but we have been using their tax money, their 401 K´s, pension plans, stock shares, to pay for war, now, we will have more control than ever"! Well, so they think! I think not.

I know I can write so much more, but for now, it is all I can squeeze out of this poor, damaged brain of mine, that is doing, all that it can, to be on the mend. I promise! 

I will post some really good articles with this to help explain further, for I know I could, as I said, write so much more, but the brain must rest. I do hope that, at least, I have planted some food for thought. 

Take care of yourselves everyone and pray for all of the world to make it through and together we will. 

With great love and peace,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

I highly recommend reading as many as the articles as you can that I have posted. I know that there are many and I want to organize and categorize them to help you understand the reasoning and logic, but my brain is now at a standstill. So sorry.


Musical Selections: Changes, 2 Pac feat. Talent

Treat You That Way: LS Lane

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