Barry Bonds | Inside The Clubhouse

Barry Bonds, began his baseball career in Pittsburg Pennsylvania, with the Pittsburg Pirates, in 1986, May 30th, 34 years ago.

In 2017, he made the Giant´s Wall of Fame, and this is what this video is about, and about the awesome talent and genius of Barry Bonds. He lit up both stadiums, Candlestick and then AT&T Park. Fans were electrified, including my family and myself.

I had the privilege of growing up near San Francisco, in the East Bay. I was Giant girl since the beginning, when most of my friends were A's fans being on the East Bay. I got teased, but I was so proud to be a Giant´s fan.

I saw some of the greatest players to have ever played the game, Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Juan Marichal, Barry's father, Bobby Bonds, and so many more. And, then as an adult, and with my own family, Barry joins the team.

I cried when I watched this, not just because Barry brought so many emotions to me when I went to a game, but also because, I shared so many of these moments with me precious family, whom, I no longer see. My wonderful husband Brian, who passed away, my two beautiful sons, who both went away to the military. So for me, Barry Bonds and the San Francisco Giants, mean so much to my heart. 

We had a partnership in restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area and many Giant's players came into our restaurants. They would give my husband tickets to the games for us, so we were so privileged and blessed to have received such gifts from players and to see so many games together as a family. These are memories I will always treasure so deeply.

So I honor and I thank you Barry Bonds, for having been one of the most amazing baseball players that I have ever witnessed in the game. I thank you, for so many magical moments, and for some many wonderful memories with my beautiful family. WE loved you sooooo much.

With great love to all Barry Bond fans,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam

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