Protesters clash with police in NYC as George Floyd protest turns violent

I have noticed, at least through the number on my blog, that there are very few people from the states that are viewing my posts regarding what is happening across the United States due to the brutal murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers. Most readers are from other nations and I find this very disturbing. 

This is YOUR nation. You may be watching what is happening, but by what news media outlet? The ones who are fueling the violence and your anger towards the protesters? Or are you watching any type of news media that is helping you to understand why this is happening?

I wrote about this in a post with the song "Lead Poisoning, " by Tom Morello. Are you watching these protests and burning with judgment, with anger at those protesting? Are you directing any anger towards the killing of George Floyd? Are you saying to yourself, "this is no way for these people to react?" If you are, then you need to stop. Stop and examine your own conscious.

Look at this police violence against protesters and this is nothing, the videos on Twitter, are really showing the police violence against peaceful protesters and are only inciting more violence. Do you realize this? Or do you just simply judge the ones you perceive are in the wrong. Law and Order can be in the wrong as well.

I had a dream about exactly what is happening right now with all of these protests, riots, and with race against race, happening in the streets like chaos, as what is going on right now in the United States. I think it is going to get worse before it will get better. And, peoples thinking, as well contributes to what is happening. You do not have to be there. Just what you think and judge affects all that is occurring.

As I stated, judge ye not, for you are not living the lives of the people in the black communities across the nation. You have no idea what they live through everyday of their lives. You want to feel superior and so you judge. The only way change, real change will happen in the US, regarding race, is first of all, to change your mental perceptions.

This is an epidemic far worse than the Corona Virus, because this epidemic, has been in this country since its inception and it still remains, even after the end of slavery and the civil rights movement. The racial divide still exists. You may not think that you are racial, but if you are judging the protesters, you are being racial. And only with your change in thinking and to open your heart to compassion, that is when the real change will begin.

I hope to see in the days ahead, more people from the United States reading my posts in relation to the death of George Floyd and the rioting, protesting, burning. It is your nation, and it is up to you to make the change. Judgment does not change a only adds fuel to the already existing fire.

Sending out love to all those on the streets and those of the black communities across the United States,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

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