To Be A Military Mother...Not for the Faint Hearted

It is said, that "living alone is not for the faint hearted," 

Nor, to be a military mother of two sons, and I am both...a military mother and I live alone...

Faint hearted, I have never been, a sensitive soul yes, but that makes one strong...

Oh, I cry, yes, indeed, for I have not seen my sons for over 9 years and very little contact with them since they both joined and left...

Yet, shedding tears, is what keeps me going, keeps me from being faint hearted...

I know one day I will see them again, it is the not knowing when, that is trialsome, that is a heavy burden to carry within your heart...

We, as a country, send our young men and woman  all around the globe to fight, and to fight what, I fight what!?

It is Jesus and others before him and after, that said, "love your enemy," but do we truly have enemies enough to create war and destruction...

Or, do we create the enemies, so that we may have war and destruction...our enemies are an illusion, a delusion that destroys the souls of many...

Yet, we keep creating "our enemies," we keep sending our young ones off and leaving mothers and wives behind...

No, being a military mother is not for the faint hearted...

And, I will be damned, if I was not in the streets, fighting against, these wars, that are not wars at all, they are weapons of greed and the stealing of our innocents...

So while we are out there fighting to save the lives of innocent black lives...let us also begin to fight for the lives of the innocents of so many colors...

The innocents of all these needless wars...when will EVERYONE wake up and do something about it and put and end to it all...

All this pointless madness, all the pointless suffering, all the pointless tears, all the pointless death...

My heart is not faint, but my heart is broken, and has been broken for over 10 years of missing the young men, who now are men, that I have not seen, nor have spoken with for far too long...

So hear the pleading of a mother who has to do her best to remain strong and not to be faint hearted...

Not only the mother´s of military sons and daughters, but also for those whom are under our military attack, oh and their suffering is far worse than mine, and I feel for them...I suffer with them...

And, may you, also begin to suffer with them, so you may realize that by allowing war to continue, your soul is paying a very high price...

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.