Last Christmas - Official Trailer/Last Christmas...This Birthday


Actually, today is, December 7th, 2020, and it happens, to be my 60th birthday...yes, I know 60!!! WOW!!! How did that happen!? I don't mind the being 60 part, age never really bothered me. It is just that incredibly, I have been on this planet for 60 years. That is a lot of time, a lot of decades, a lot of changes since 1960, and a whole lot of life. Yet, here I am...still going.

I was watching this movie, "Last Christmas," oh, for my birthday and just because I simply love it. I just had my pizza that was delivered...yummy, some luscious Red Lambrusco, imported from Italy, and a lovely piece of chocolate cake that my neighbors brought me. How sweet. 💝

I did have grander plans, then being home, alone for my big day, I mean 60 is a milestone. But, all did not plan out as planned out. Yet, as a poster that I had in my room growing up said, "When Life Gives You Lemons...Make Lemonade." And, that is a philosophy, that I have lived in my lifetime, as well as, the Golden Rule, which is the most important. 

So, I have toasted my birthday, I have toasted my life, for although, there have been many a challenging road upon my journey, all in all, I have had "A Wonderful Life." I am grateful. I have done much, seen much, had children and 2 husbands, always have been blessed to have bread and shelter, and have travelled the world, I have done work, that uplifted my life, in the grandest of ways. So many wonderful memories with family and friends. I have been blessed.

Now, we shall see what life has ahead. I will share with you some pictures of my life. I put many on poster board and they are hanging on my walls, because who ever looks through their photo albums? So, I always have them there. :) These photos are just a fraction of the life that I have lived. I hope you enjoy.

Oh, and I highly suggest that if you are able to watch, "Last Christmas," I promise that it will touch your heart in so, so many ways, literally. It's magic and magnificence will brighten your way and your Christmas.

Now for the pics...Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all and may we truly begin to have a peaceful and prosperous world for all. 

With great love and affection for all,

Maria Joan Hidalgo Juarez Beam (Boheme)



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