The message: “It’s a love song from the perspective of a girl in Afghanistan, say a nine-year-old girl, whose family’s been killed by a drone bomb,” Anohni told Annie Mac. “She is kind of looking up at the sky and she’s gotten herself to aplace where she just wants to be killed by a drone bomb too.”
don´t hide your head away and think that you are not...
We are the culprits and we shall pay the price...
We cannot live with blood spilled upon our hands...
When we allow the wheels of war to spin upon their own device...
How can we sleep at night allowing such destruction and pain...
Last night I had a dream that I was fighting in a war...
The weight and horror of it was falling as the rain...
I told my commander...I cannot do this, I must leave...
He said that there was a way out...
For it is your soul that you must retrieve...
In my shock and amazement at what he said...
As all around me...
lay the dead...
I did what I had to do to walk away...
I had to face myself...face my soul...
I had to get down upon my knees to beg and pray...
To give me the courage to become whole...
And, walk away from war...
With great peace and love,
Maria Joan Juarez Beam
Ps. The reason that Anohni uses the phrase, "choose me tonight," from the perspective of this very young girl in Afghanistan, is because, everyday, every single day of the presidency of Barack Obama, he received a list upon his desk in the Oval Office. It was called the "death list," and he would decide who would live and who would die that day or night. The countries targeted on the list were, Afghanistan , Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, Somalia, and Libya. A very dark statement to his legacy.
So, I continue my series on war, with "Bidenworld." A discussion about Biden´s first so-called "foreign policy," speech. Basically, what foreign policy spells, it spells, military actions, around the globe.
I personally, did not hear the speech, but I like Crosstalk, so you get the main substance of what was said, not said, implied, or not implied. I would not be able to stomach any speech made by Biden.
So, what is new and different...? "America is back!?" As, all state in the program, "did it ever go away"!? It is just a bloody joke to say this! Oh, but how the left, loves it!
So, from the sounds of it, nothing really remarkable or noble. Nothing, will change, with our alliance with Saudi Arabia, there will be more intervention in Syria, illegal intervention. At least Trump was curbing our actions in Syria and was trying to get US troops out of Afghanistan, a subject that Biden never touched. And, in fact, we will have more US intervention in Syria.
He will be firm with Russia! Oh, wow, as if, this comes as a surprise to Russia!!! Russia has been preparing for the Biden Administration for awhile now. So, talking "tough," to Putin, is a big scare!
Also, getting tough with Democracy and human rights around the world...dear God above, please help us all. Like we give a damn about Democracy and human rights world wide!? We are the worse of offenders, and please explain to me, what spreading Democracy means, by the ways of bombs, troops, tanks, missiles, bullets, sanctions, torture...need I go on?
I don't know, if he touched, on Latin American Foreign Policy, it was not brought up in Crosstalk. That is a whole other ballgame, in and, of itself. Just ask anyone, who has attended the "School of Americas." Now, changed to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.Geeeez!!! Manuel Noriega, is one of their famous graduates.
So, okay, Biden, and your team, illusion yourself with what "America", is all about, and that "Americais back". Democrats, illusion yourselves as well. As, far as the business of war, not much will change, with the exception, of escalation. And, trust me, for these politicians, their financial backers, and your stock and tax dollars, yes, war is a business, and a big one at that. Everyone with financial interests, get very fat on war, while the victims are annihilated.
War, is never a pretty subject, but if we do not talk about it, if we do not put it, into our consciousness, we lose who we are and we lose our humanity.
I decided, that since, I am writing about war and my personal experience right now, that I would add this healing music to get me through, to get anyone through, going through a difficult time.
It could be due to my problems, you could be experiencing something similar, or for whatever reason, you are experiencing difficulties in your life, trust me, listening to this vibrational music is transforming and can put one onto a healing path.
So, taking a break from war directly, so that we can breath and take some time, to take care of ourselves, no matter your situation. Enjoy and I do help this helps.
So, I am writing a series on war, and I am beginning, with my personal experience. Why, it just seemed, like the best place to start.
The first writing, began with my sons joining the military, and going off to war. Although, I was devastated that this was there choice for a career in life, I supported their decisions, not that I never attempted to change their minds. Yet, they both knew what they wanted, and you can't fight that.
So, ever since they have left, there has been a war within myself. A war of depression. I thought I had it beat last year, finally came to terms, with the non-communication, the long years of not seeing them, the not sharing, the holidays, with them.
Just when, I thought I had the depression handled, bam, it hit me in the heart again, and really hard. When you were so close to your children all of their growing up years and then they are ripped out of your feels literally, as if your heart and your womb, are ripped out as well.
"War is hell!" Depression is hell. I am doing all that I can to cope, to deal with it, to heal, to figure out why, I lost the contact with my boys. I want to be there for them, for I know, that what they do, and what they have done is not easy.
My oldest has retired from the military and he struggles with PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from what he saw and did in Iraq. It tears me apart, that I am unable to support him, to be there for him if he needs me. I have prepared myself, for this, ever since, they departed. I know what soldiers can come home with and what they live with once back.
Perhaps they want to shield me. They were always very protective of me. I suffer from retractable epilepsy, which means, although, I take medication, the epilepsy is not controlled. I also have Post Concussion Syndrome, from the many falls I have incurred, and with Traumatic Brain Injury. So, they have never wanted to worry me. I would rather know what they go through, then not. I am strong. And, yes, even a strong person, can suffer from severe depression.
I am not the only military mother, to go through this situation. I have spoken with an incredible woman, from the organization, Military Families Speak Out, and she has helped me tremendously, but I still need more. Also, I have spoken with a former Veteran many times, from the organization, Veterans for Peace. He was amazingly supportive as well.
My suffering, does not compare, with the suffering, of the mothers in war zones. I cannot even fathom, what they must go through, on a daily basis. Nothing, even close to, what I experience. And, I hold those mothers in my heart daily.
Yet, this does not diminish the fact, that I, and other mothers, of soldiers world wide, do not suffer the pain of depression, grief, sadness, bewilderment, loneliness, doing all that they can to hold on. I think, what keeps us holding on, is our children, our children of war.
I have been keeping a very low profile, these past several months. I have not been on social media very much and I communicate with only a few friends. I mainly keep to myself, in my home, and this is not due to the virus, it is due to my own self-healing. Sometimes, we need to hide away from the world, to heal.
Apart, from my writings on this blog, this is about all I can do, to contribute to humanity, and to peace. By writing about my pain, my experiences, I hope that I touch others in some way. If I can do that, then at least, I do have a purpose. I hope that after, my "cocooning," stage, I will come out stronger, and that I will not have conquered, the depression. I am not sure, if I can do that quite yet, but I can at least. come, out not allowing it, to control who, I am. I can contribute more, as a human being, for the betterment of humanity and of the world.
Thank you again. dear readers, for allowing me to express.