....Feeling Lost and alone, yet healing...

Hello my most beloved and faithful readers. Please forgive the long delay in writing, but I have been doing much healing and I am in Mexico at this moment to heal myself and I am...yet at the same time I am feeling very lost and alone. I wish at this moment I could explain all of this to you in words. The words are in  my heart and are not quite ready to fly out. Sometimes we need to feel lost and alone in order to reach the light...and the light I am grasping for with all of my might. It is a mighty lonely feeling when you feel as if many have abandoned you and you are attempting to seek a better life for yourself. Even when you are trembling inside as a leaf in a storm, you still must remain strong. Shed your tears you must, yet after the shedding it is time to stand tall...taller than ever. Oh, how I have learned so many lessons in the most difficult of ways in order to find MY way in this life after so many have left either in death or in order to move on in their lives. I miss everyone and as I have shared before, I miss my life former my former life with my husband and my sons, yet as the Dalai Lama expresses, 'the one thing you can count on is change' To this I can certainly attest. I have learned many lessons...and the most important lesson that I have learned while here in Mexico is that I must first begin with me...

My love heart and soul to all of you until we meet again...Maria

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