Love Can Change The World cont... :)

...Oh, this I-Pad of mine, it has a mind of it's own! As I was writing, yes with each act I am going to change the world...will you help change it with me, please? I know that there are many good and kind people in this world who do wonderful things everyday...yet, I truly feel we can become more aware of transitioning our beloved world so that all can live in great peace and harmony. I feel we simply just need to ensure that we do this with great intent. It is time for the world is in great chaos and many are living desparately while others are living a very comfortable life. I see it here so vividly on the streets of Guanajuato daily and it tears my heart into many shattered pieces and I think...what can I do?

Tonight I held a woman of many age within my arms tonight. Daily she is in front of one of the churches with her plastic cup awaiting for people of good hearts to drops some coins into here vessel of hope. Tonight, rather than just dropping the money, something within me moved me to ask her how she was...I looked straight into her dark eyes and immediately she began to weep and wail intensely within my arms. I cried with her I could feel the pain contined within her heart. I stroked her hair and I softly spoke to her...'let your tears flow.'
I held her for a very long time. Somone passed by and said in Spanish...:she is drunk let her be to herself. I coud not do this. I could smell the alcohol on her breath but it did not matter to me. Who am I to judge her? All I know, is that I could feel immense pain within her. And this to me, is so relevant.

So this I ask of all of you my beloved readers is reach out, reah out to make change without judjement and with your full heart and soul. For this I thank you so very much...toghther you and I we can usher in a world beyond beautiful...:) My love to each and everyone of you...Maria. Olease forgive any errors in spelling and editing, but I can sincerely express tp you that tis I-Pad is it:s own world and will not allow me to edit or doing what I whis as I could before with my laptop. Time to save for a nw laptop indd...peace and love...

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